Page 127 of The Sound Of Forever

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Chapter Forty-Seven


Iwakeearlythenext morning and consider going for a run to watch the sunrise. But with Jesse’s fingers brushing across my naked skin, sending a tingle down my spine, I change my mind, snuggling back into his arms, a content moan leaving my lips. This is heaven. If only he didn’t have to go home.

After speaking with Jade’s parents yesterday, Jesse and I spent the afternoon talking through everything they’d told me, including the fact thatmyparents knew.

While I was reluctant to see them, Jesse thought it was best if I spoke to them right away, so off we went to dinner at my parents’ house, armed with their biggest secret.

Mom did most of the talking—and crying—making out as though she’s suffered more than anyone else, barely even apologizing. But it was Dad’s words that hit me the deepest.

“No one wants to see their kid in a hospital bed. Ever,” he’d said, gripping my hands between his. “No one wants to see their kid hurt. Period. So, when we found out the truth, and you couldn’t remember it… Willow, there was no way in hell we were going to knowingly cause you pain. It was done. There was nothing you could do about it. We thought we were doing the right thing.”


“I know. Your mother doesn’t always handle things as well as she should, butIshould have been better. We shouldn’t have held you back. We were just both terrified of losing you again. But I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become. And can’t wait to see you finally spread your wings.”

Though Dad’s eyes were filled with tears, I didn’t cry—I’d cried enough for a lifetime of late—but by the time we walked away, I’d forgiven them both. It’s going to take a while to forget, and we’ve got a lot to work through, but how could I not forgive them? After all, they were only doing the same thing Jesse was. If only I could tell them that, maybe Mom would accept Jesse more easily.

But for now, the plan is to keep Jesse’s name away from that fateful day.

I know. Tate knows. And that’s it. We’ll take it to the grave, just like Jade did.

After falling into bed that night, Jesse and I were both emotionally exhausted, but in a much better place than we had been in a while. I felt an inner peace I hadn’t felt in years, the exact feeling I’d assumed would only come if I got my memories back.

I was wrong. I know enough now to have a full picture, and that in itself is freeing. I’m no longer trapped in my head, searching for a missing piece I never thought I’d find.

I can be me.I am me.

Jesse pulls me tighter, and I can’t resist wiggling my ass against his morning wood, relishing in my newfound happiness. I really could get used to waking up like this.

He groans into my hair as his cock twitches between us, making me giggle. “Careful,” he says, almost painfully. “What time do you have to leave?”

“Never,” I wish out loud. “I never want to leave.”

I feel his chuckle before I hear it as his body shakes against me. “That wasn’t the question.”

“I know.” I sigh. “I have to be there at eleven. Sara’s got an appointment.”

“Eleven’s good. We still have a few hours. I’ll head off when you do.”

“Ugh. I hate this.” I groan, turning to face him, taking in his mussed hair and sleepy eyes.

“You hate getting a few extra hours with me?” he teases with a wink.

“I mean, I hate that we live apart.”

Jesse nods. “I’ve told you how to solve that problem.”

“We don’t have a private jetora helipad.”

“I’m sure I could get one. I know a guy who knows a guy.”

I roll my eyes because we’ve joked and laughed about this many times before, but at some point, we’ll have to discuss it seriously.

“How about I take your mind off things?” he asks as his hand moves between my legs.

“Oh yeah,” I gasp when he runs a finger through my heat, drawing circles across my core. “And how would you do that?” I ask breathlessly, my head dropping back to the pillow.
