Page 130 of The Sound Of Forever

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“Thank you.” I don’t know either, but maybe it’s time for a fresh start.

Maybe it’s time for my new beginning. My sunrise.

“Did we just sell our store? Our livelihood?” I ask with an incredulous smile.

“We did.” Sara laughs, her hand resting across her belly, drawing my gaze.

God, I’ve been so deeply rooted in my own world that I didn’t even notice her wearing baggier clothes. Or that she was tired. And I didn’t even question her the day she was sick. I need to be a better friend.

“I’m sorry, Sara. I wish I’d been here to help.”

“Don’t. I told you I was fine. I had help.”

“I am curious, who do I have to thank for that?” I say with a grin, making Sara laugh as her cheeks pinken.

“Anyone I could get. Your mom, your dad, Grant.”

My stomach churns at the mention of my parents as I think about our talk, but I block it out. “Why didn’t you tell me? And what did you tell them?” I don’t want to believe they knew before I did.

“I told others I had to look after Benji.”Her son. “And I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d race back here. I hope I did the right thing?”

“You did. It’s just going to take some time to get used to. But I am happy for you. And excited!” I hug her again before pulling away to look at her bump. “When are you due?”

We talk babies and the future until well into the night, with Grant apparently informed that he’d be solo tonight. By the time I get home, I’m tired and emotional. Sara did the right thing by selling the store. I’m not happy here, and I would never have made the decision on my own. But the thought of packing up and actually moving away is a completely different story, and I’m not even sure where to start.

There’s also the fact that I’d be leaving Sara, who I can’t live without…and my family. But while my family and I still have a lot to work out, this is what’s best for me. I’ve been living for others for too long.

My mind races as I try to make sense of everything, until I realize the first thing I need to do is tell Jesse. He’ll be there to help.

I arrive at Jesse’s apartment in the early evening, two days later, with my heart racing. I’ve been on edge since I boarded the flight, trying to decide how to tell him, hoping he’ll be excited and not worried that I’m giving up my life for him. Just like I would have been worried if he’d done the same.

I take a deep breath and gather all my strength before unlocking the door. But the second I see Jesse, his eyes light up, and everything I’ve been feeling for the past forty-eight hours—all the fear and apprehension—instantly fades away. Because I’m home. Jesse’s my home. And it’s about time we started our life together.

Our forever.

Jesse stands up and walks over, pulling me into his arms. “Of all the joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine. I’m a lucky man,” he says, half quotingCasablanca, making me smile.

But I have to disagree. This isn’t about luck anymore—it’s allus, and we’re going to have one hell of a story.

Epilogue One

Willow - One Month Later

“You’reactuallyhere,”Jessesays, grabbing my face in his hands as he presses his lips to mine. He slowly walks me backward until my body meets the wall and then he groans, sinking one of his hands into my hair before releasing me from the kiss. “You being here makes everything right with the world. Makes all the pain worth it. Mostly.”

My lips curl into a smile, because “mostly” is exactly right. Neither of us deserved the pain we went through, and there were moments when it felt like we’d never get through it, but we found our light at the end of the tunnel, and now things are looking up.

After the longest month, Sara and I finally handed over Audrey’s and I sold my house, ready for my move to the big city. Well, a city anyway. Since visiting New York City, I can say that San Francisco is like baby steps. It’s still big but it’s nothuge. It’s the perfect place for me. Plus, I’m close to the water, something I’ve discovered is my second favorite place to be, with the first being right here, with Jesse.

“Now that you’ve mauled me, can you help with my bags?” I say, stepping out of his hold to gesture to the bags sitting in his doorway. I brought two with me when I visited a couple of weeks ago, and the last two with me today.

Four suitcases.

My small-town life fits into four suitcases. Easily. It’s probably more like three and a half. Mainly because I chose to leave a lot of it behind, including my anger and pain. Things with my family aren’t perfect, but I don’t think they ever will be. I’m hoping that in time we can move on, but for now…this ismynew beginning. Right here. Right now. I’m starting fresh. We’re starting fresh. Jesse and I. But keeping the nicknames. I’ve grown quite fond of jokingly calling Jesse Robin, and I think I’d feel lost if he stopped calling me Buttercup. His voice changes when he says it—whether he’s whispering softly into my ear or grating it out as he slams into me, it’s always packed full of emotion. Reminding me that he’s loved me for years, not just the months since we reconnected.

Jesse groans, but grabs my bags and moves them to his bedroom—our bedroom—before returning with a cocky grin. “Done. Now where were we?”

He lifts his hands to my face again, but I duck out of the way, giggling as I run down the hallway. “Now I move in.”
