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Oops. I forgot about that.I quickly pull the jersey over my head as my cheeks heat, hoping to hide the pink tinge.

Bailey’s eyes light up while her mother frowns.

Pippa and Bailey lean forward in their seats to start talking about Ryan, and I take the moment to just breathe. Despite my reservations, I can tell why people love it here. The atmosphere, the vibe. I imagine it could get very addictive.

When I get this strange sensation as though I’m being watched, I subtly glance to my left to find Bailey’s mom quickly turning away before shaking her head.

Well, that was weird.

I’m lost in thought again when a techno beat permeates the air and the stadium erupts in cheers as the players skate onto the ice. My chest tightens in anticipation, wondering if he’ll see me. Wondering if like me, he can sense when I’m in the room.

And I get my answer immediately. It takes Jesse about three seconds to realize I’m in the crowd, and I have to bite back a laugh. I’m kidding myself for thinking this isn’t something big between us. Because this messed-up connection isn’t going away, and after our kiss… I don’t think I want it to. I may have freaked out at the time, but after really thinking things through, I know I need to try.

Jesse lifts his glove in a wave, and I subtly wave back, giving him a soft smile. He keeps a relatively straight face, but there’s something about his expression that has the butterflies inside me turning to nerves. But no matter how nervous I am, seeing Jesse just now confirmed that being here is the right thing to do. It means everything to him and, in turn, means everything to me.

Despite having no idea of the rules, we’re five minutes into the second period, and I’m on the edge of my seat. This game is brutal, but it’s also really freaking amazing. I’m hooked.

Especially watching Jesse.

He has this air about him. Or presence, maybe it’s presence. Either way, it’s like he owns the ice and the puck, and I want in on that. His strength, his power, his aura. It’s everything about him. It’s not that he’s a different person, because I’ve seen those parts of him before. There’s just something bigger.

I can’t keep my eyes off him.

And even though he’s constantly distracting me, I somehow seem to be keeping up with the game. Or at least, I’ve figured out the general idea. In short, they need to score goals and stop the other team from doing the same. By any means possible. Any means within the rules, though from the looks of it, the rules allow for a lot.

I’m once again mesmerized by Jesse when Pippa leaps into the air, drawing my gaze to Ryan as he passes the puck to his teammate. My heart lodges in my chest as I watch his teammate glide toward the goal, moving so fast that it looks like he’s flying. This is their chance. San Francisco is only up by a point and… “No!” I cry out as an opposing player steals the puck, sending it racing in the other direction. “Dammit.”Also… who am I?

I sink back into my seat as the disappointment hits me like these are my boys, like I’ve been supporting this team all my life. Yet they barely react as the play continues on.

How do people do this?

Running my hands down my face, I expel a deep breath. I never expected to get this emotional over a game, but I love it.

“So, you’re Willow?” Bailey’s mom asks out of nowhere, making me jump. My eyes widen as I try to remember if I introduced myself by name or if she somehow knows me.

“I am,” I hesitate, giving her a soft smile, one that she returns easily.

“I’m sorry, that question came out of the blue. I was going to ask earlier but held off for some reason. I’m Amber, Seth’s wife.”

“Seth?”Jesse’s agent?I smile to cover my nerves. At least that explains why she knows me.But how much does she know?

“I shouldn’t have said anything.” She winces apologetically. “You look worried. I didn’t mean to worry you.”

“No, no. It’s okay.”Cue the guilt. “I just assumed I was invisible here,” I say with a shy shrug.

“Unfortunately, no one’s invisible in these seats, but you’re doing a great job of blending in. You even appear to know what’s going on. No one would guess that you don’t.”

What? “Then how do you know that I don’t?”

“The way your face pinches whenever the players crash into each other, or fight, or fall.”


“It’s okay, I don’t think anyone else has noticed. It’s just because I’m sitting so close.”

“Fingers crossed. Blending in is usually my specialty. I—”


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