Page 72 of Unnatural Fate

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“I don’t see how we have a choice. And even with the best filter applied to our bond, things get through. We’ve never really tried to be together before, either. It’s time to dive full force into this.”

Seepage. All the seepage between us meant secrets would be near impossible unless we tied no emotion to them. I’d have to be careful with my interests outside of Dominic. I wasn’t sure my business could survive if I had to tell him everything. Not everything I did would he agree with.

Dominic had always been black and white. Things were this way or that. With a life as long as mine had been, I’d seen all the gray there was. No two of us saw the world the same, which left all the in-between for interpretation.

“You lost in your head over something?” he asked, drawing me from my thoughts.

“I guess so.” I slid over him, pressing my knees between his until he parted them for me.

Dominic opened himself to me, welcoming my body against his. Bare skin, slick with perspiration from the warm night. Sticky sweat in the heat. Alive. All these things were so much more important than they were a week ago. He wound his arms around me, holding me there.

“You guess?” He gripped my ass and squeezed.

“Would you like more, Dominic?”

“I always want more. You’re so secretive.” He wasn’t wrong.

I demanded his all but had a hard time articulating my thoughts in a digestible fashion. I’d never been what some would call open. “I will try.”

“What had you lost?”

“The prospect of no more secrets between us.” I’d never been fully honest with anyone, and the idea of someone seeing the darkest corners of my mind made me uncomfortable, to say the least.

“Is it that hard?” Dominic sounded disappointed, and I hated it.

“It’s not that it’s hard. I don’t know where to start. There is so much.”

“Do you wish we could go back?” he asked.


“So decisive,” he said, relief bleeding into his tone.

“I can’t imagine not being this way with you anymore. Not now that I know how it is. There isn’t a way back from this kind of connection, Dominic.”

“I love the way you say my name.” He smoothed his hand over my thigh.

“Do you regret it?” I wasn’t normally the type to need reassurance, but everything had changed.

He picked up his head, and emotions washed over his face. Confusion throbbed through the bond as his brows creased. “I’ve never regretted us a day in my life, and I’ve realized how empty my life was before you. I know it hasn’t been long since we decided to do this, but it’s been the best few months of my life. I don’t have regret.” His words pulsed with truth, another benefit to the bond. “The connection adds another level to it. I wouldn’t go back.” The truth pulsed with his heart rate, spoken from the soul without a hint of hesitation.

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For marking me. For indulging my demands.” I knew I’d been asking a lot, but the gravity of all that transpired was so much more, and my mate stood beside me, unwavering. “For doing this with me.”

“You know I can’t say no to you. I’ve never been able to. I don’t want to be able to.”

The last warmed my cold heart. “The most important part. We are in this together. We are always in this together.”

“We are, Vinkettin. Until death doth us part.”

I cringed at the words, and he raised a brow.

“What?” he asked, searching my face.

“Can you not tell?”
