Page 73 of Unnatural Fate

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“I can tell you’re uneasy—” he said, pausing before he went on. “Hesitant—and something is bothering you, but I can’t tell what.”

So the bond didn’t lay me totally bare, but it was enough. “Yes, all of that is true.”

“Are you worried about spending the rest of my life with me...” he trailed off, and I felt it click. “You still think I only have this life.” He wasn’t scared. The bond made it clear he’d believed this all along.

“I’m not sure, Dominic. If you can choose to move on, or not come back, this has made it even more evident that you won’t be you. And even if I had some hope of something, I’d have to find you again. We’d lose the connection. I don’t know how I’ll survive without this.” I couldn’t be more raw.

He cupped my cheek and brought our lips together. “We have this life, and this means we won’t waste it.”

I pressed my eyes closed, willing myself to keep the sorrow at bay. “It changes so much.”

“It changes nothing.”

“For you,” I whispered against his lips.

“What do you mean?”

“If this is it, if this is all we get, I will spend the rest of my life missing you.”



Pain wove into Vin’s stature over the next few weeks. It dripped from our encounters. We’d almost traded perspectives, and it sank into his flesh, affecting every part of us. Maybe the realization of something I’d come to terms with since the beginning of taking my position as alpha hit him harder now. I’d love to believe there was more meant for us, but I couldn’t place faith in those things.

I liked the tangible. I could hold on to this.

Tension climbed, getting worse with every hour that passed. Like the universe held its breath, and none of us mortals could breathe. The heat didn’t help.

I reached for him as he passed the breakfast table. He didn’t linger under my touch, face buried in an ancient text. Every room was piled with work he’d brought here. Things I’d never expect to see outside of a museum, let alone sprawled out across every surface in my place. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in tomes like they were dime-store paperbacks.

“You’re going to get coffee on that.”

“I’m careful,” he said between sips, not looking up from the pages.

“Have I lost you to your books?” The distance grew by the day. Would he disconnect from me in this life to save his immortal one?

“I’m here, aren’t I?” Vin lifted his eyes from the book for the first time since I woke.

“I’m starting to wonder if there are dirty pictures painted in there.” I had to lighten the mood, or we’d be fighting.

His brows rose.

“You haven’t looked at me.” I opened my thighs wider, staring him down.

His attention dropped down my chest, and he leaned forward, stretching his neck to glance over the table. “You’re always naked while we’re home, my love.”

I wet my lips with my tongue, letting annoyance show on my face. “And usually, you can’t keep your eyes off of me.”

“Don’t tell me you’re jealous of a book?” Amusement played over Vin’s lips.

“Don’t you fucking start.” A snarl framed my words.

He chuckled, returning his attention to the book. “Can’t even admit it either.”

“Is this it? Is the honeymoon period over?”

“I was unaware we were married.” He licked his finger and flipped a page.
