Page 94 of Unnatural Fate

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Not even a run could sate the wolf. He wanted blood and heads to roll. His solutions were always actions. He wanted my mind to quiet and to settle, even if it meant mass murder. Thankfully, he wasn’t in charge most of the time.

“It’s not the time,” I whispered to him as we ran.

He snarled.

“We are working for the same thing. The same person. The same peace.”

Are we?

I pushed a picture of Vin into the shared space in our minds. “Come what may, we have to not start a war.”

We can’t do everything for him.

“We aren’t.”

Haven’t we always? Every step brought you closer to him. You need him. As much as you’d like to deny it. He will support a war if it is needed.

“I know.”

The wolf rarely spoke to me, and thus, I took it to heart. Were all my choices for Vin? Preventing children had been. Preventing a mating. Seeking him out. It was all directed toward Vin. I’d spent so much of my life running toward him or away from him. Had I screwed up the rest of my life in my pursuit of him?

I strengthened my resolve, giving in to my wolf. “Would you have it any other way?”


I felt his love. The love laced in everything we did. There wasn’t me without Vin. For either of us. The wolf felt the same.

We’d live with our choices.

“May I?” I asked instead of the usual fight for my body back. The wolf dipped his head and initiated the change.

I nearly lost my footing with the power of it. A process that usually took thirty seconds, at least, done in one, mid-stride. I had to fight to keep my run alive. I heaved as I came to a stop outside the club.

I stood there with Rafael at my side. We exchanged a glance.

“Not ready?” he asked, an odd look on his face.

“No, I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to face mistrust.”

Raf nodded slowly with a shrug. “It’s been a long time coming. I’m here. As your eventual second.”

Was he vying for her place before I even knew if she was the issue? I dipped my chin in a solitary nod. There wouldn’t be any promises. I hated the politics of packs, and I’d make a decision that would benefit everyone when I had to. I wasn’t sure Rafael was that decision.

I wished Vin was with me. He felt like the only safe person at the moment. The only person not playing this for personal gain. He had no investment in our politics. Only in me.

The wolf smiled.

I had Vin.

I had him for the rest of this life.

The thought gave me the strength I needed to walk into the club and face the potential of betrayal.

“Laura,” I called as I strolled into the dark interior.
