Page 2 of Fillion

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“No. You’re busy, Daddy. You have to keep me out of trouble.”

“I know—it’s a full-time job!” Jerusalem grinned and bopped his nose, eyes twinkling.

“I love you.” It had taken a while, but he’d learned, finally, to bring everything to his Daddy. That he would fix it.

Jerusalem’s joking demeanor changed, becoming serious. “And I love you, Christian. Every inch.”

He pressed closer to his Daddy, wrapping his arms around Jerusalem’s neck. “I know.”


Rome grabbed his bag and locked up his office, heading off to make his final holiday auction delivery. He waved to Julianne at the front desk and made his way to his SUV. He had his portable massage table in the back and his essential oils in his bag.

The online holiday auction had done really well this year and he had a tidy sum to give to the Youth LGBTQ+ Community Center and Home.

He checked the address of one Fillion Berry and headed over. An old friend had won an at-home massage, but instead of claiming it for himself, he’d requested it for this Fillion. The note included with the e-transfer of the winning bid had said it was for “a lonely boy in need.” He had a hunch he knew exactly what that meant. Jerusalem knew he was single, and looking.

It didn’t take long to arrive at his destination, and he found a parking spot without any problems. He hefted the table out of his car, bringing it with him up the front steps of a tiny independent bookstore with a closed sign. He rang the doorbell and waited.

A somewhat familiar gamin little face peeked out the door. “Can I help you?”

Oh, adorable. “I’m looking for Fillion Berry. Would you be him?”

“I am.” Fillion tilted his head. “We’re closed. The bookstore, I mean. For the night.”

“Then I’ve got good timing.” He nodded to the portable massage table leaning against his left side. “Congratulations! You’ve won a massage!” He handed over the spa’s business card. “I’m Rome Salter, owner of Treat Yourself, and I’ll be your masseur.”

“But… I didn’t sign up for a contest…” Fillion turned over the card where Rome had written the name of the auction winner. “Jerusalem? Chrissy’s Da… lover?”

Fillion had been right the first time, Jerusalem was Christian’s Daddy. “That’s right. He was the winning bidder for this item. And the massage has been gifted to you. You did say the bookstore was closed for the day so I’m assuming now is a good time. May I come in?”

“I—do you mind if I make a phone call? Just to… I mean, I don’t know you…”

Rome nodded, happy with this boy’s carefulness. “I’m more than happy to wait out here while you call your friend and confirm. Make sure to lock the door until you have.”

“I—thanks. I’m sorry, it’s just… a little scary.” Fillion closed the door and picked up his phone, talking fast and hard.

He wasn’t the least bit insulted by Fillion wanting to be safe, even if he did know the boy, having figured out why that sweet face was familiar to him. Of course, that didn’t mean that Fillion knew him. Rome had noticed the boy at a few of the Daddy gatherings he’d attended. Fillion—he was glad to put a name to the face—had been at the boys’ table and Rome had been attracted to him from the start. He hadn’t wanted to poach from another Daddy, though. Maybe he should have asked instead of assuming the boy was taken. At any rate, he’d stay out here and wait until Fillion was assured that Rome was on the up-and-up and was safe to let into his home.

The door slowly opened, letting him into a quaint little bookstore. “Please come in. I’ll show you up to the garret.”

“You live in a garret above a bookstore? How romantic.” It sounded like a fairy story.

“I do. This is my store, and the garret’s rent-free.” They headed up to the second floor of the bookstore, then up to the third floor to a tiny little space with a futon, a wardrobe, and a view.

There was enough room for him to set up his mobile massage table, though.

“It’s lovely, boy. And it suits you.” As if Fillion was a book fairy.

“I like it. It’s quiet. So… a massage? Really? This is what you do?” Fillion watched him, body drowning in pounds of oversized clothing.

“I own a spa and I came to own it because I not only know massage, but I make essential oils and scented soaps. Things that ease and soothe and make you feel good, you know?” And this boy needed to feel good, he could read that clearly.

“Oh, that’s cool. I’ve never had a massage before…”

“I think you’ll enjoy it.” He set up the table and put the light blanket across it. “I’ll just look out the window while you get undressed and get underneath the blanket—on your front, please.”

“Undressed? Really?” Fillion’s eyes were huge.
