Page 3 of Fillion

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This boy was absolutely adorable.

“That’s how massages work. My hands and oils on your skin. You can put the blanket over your butt.” He’d still massage it, but he could do that without looking.

“Oh… I—Okay? I guess.” Fillion stared at him until he turned his back, and then he heard the clothes coming off. “Do you do this a lot? Massage people you don’t know?”

“Less now that the business is up and running well. But I used to massage people all day every day. It’s actually very therapeutic.” Touch was magical.

“Well, Chrissy says it’s a gift from them, so…” The massage table creaked, and then he heard the blanket.

“Yes. And good friends recognize when you need some pampering.” He turned around, went to his bag, and rummaged through his oils. He would start with sandalwood, which would help with anxiety, and when he had Fillion relaxed, he would finish up with lemon to lift his mood.

The boy was totally covered, hiding his face in his arms. He gently pulled the cover back down to Fillion’s ass. He left that covered. Then he warmed the oil in his hands, the scent of the sandalwood filling the air. “Let me know if you’d like some music or if you’re happy with the quiet.”

“I’m okay.” Nervous. In fact, Fillion was so tense he was shaking.

This man needed a Daddy in the worst way, or his name wasn’t Rome. If nothing else, someone to just hold him. He shook his head at himself for not asking about Fillion the moment he’d noticed the boy. He’d felt the attraction, the pull. He’d been busy with the business, though, and had no idea if the feelings would be mutual, or even if Fillion was available. Still, it was clear to him now that he should have asked when he first noticed the boy, or at the very least when he’d first realized he was being pulled to him.

Rome rubbed his hands together a bit more, just to make sure the oil was really warmed up, then said softly, “I’m starting now,” so he didn’t startle Fillion when he touched the man.

Fillion’s muscles were like rock, so he kept his touches light, gentle, intending them to relax. He had a feeling he could spend literally hours doing this and only scratch the surface of what Fillion needed. Most massages lasted about an hour. He was going to see if he could stretch this to two. As long as his hands and Fillion’s muscles didn’t get too sore, it would work.

Slowly—so slowly that it was glacial—Fillion began to ease, the tension softening.

“That’s it, boy,” he said softly. “Let my touch ease you.”

“What if I’m a Daddy?” Fillion muttered. “I could be.”

Rome held back the soft laughter that wanted out at the idea that this lovely, grumpy boy might be a Daddy. He needed too badly to be anything but a boy. A Daddy knew.

He settled on saying simply, “But you aren’t.”

“No, but I’m nobody’s boy either. I’m just a bookstore owner.”

“So you’re a boy without a Daddy,” he said softly. Which was sad, because clearly, Fillion was hurting because of it.

“We broke up. He wanted to move to Toronto and be a part of something bigger. I love my bookstore and my friends.”

“I’m so sorry. How long have you been on your own?” He kept massaging, working the muscles in Fillion’s back.

“He told me New Year’s Day. It was his resolution. To make a new start.” Fillion sighed and shook his head. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Jesus, that was both cold and cruel. And a year of not having anyone to care for him, to help him through the pain. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. I have my books. It’s all I need.”

“I don’t think either of us believe that.” Poor dear boy, Fillion was trying so hard. He needed a Daddy to take care of him.

“No? You could pretend, huh?”

Rome chuckled. “I think you’ll be better served if I don’t.”

“You have a nice voice. Strong.”

“Thank you.” He moved to work on Fillion’s legs rubbing the oil into the warm skin. The muscles here weren’t as tight as those in Fillion’s back and shoulders. That was where he carried his stress.

Fillion hummed for him, and wiggled a little, the towel slipping. Oh, that was a sweet ass. He gradually worked his way up from Fillion’s calves to his thighs.

“I… is this normal?” Fillion whispered.
