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Angry heat flushed through my body. Dagda may be the worst monster of all.

Chapter 7

Thesoldierinleatherapproached through the trees. He led two winged horses.

When they drew near, Dagda grabbed one of three black cloaks from a pegasus’s back and moved close to me. “May I?”

I shrugged and didn’t move as he settled it around me. His large hands tied the string on my cloak, then lifted the hood. It was a smothering shroud on my shoulders. Heavy. Persistent. Unbearable.

My hand twitched to remove it, but it hid the fact that I wasn’t wearing any pants, so I left it on.

Dagda’s eyes flicked to mine. Then he nodded to the man in the leather armor. “Keelin has everything in order. We hope to get to your room in the castle undetected. Give you time to settle before…” He hesitated. “Before the people realize their queen has come home.”

I glared at him, shoving his jacket in my hands at him. “Thisisn’tmy home.”

His eyes clouded. He breathed out fast and spun away, sweeping up the second cloak and throwing it on.

Keelin slipped into the last cloak and mounted a pegasus, burlap sack in hand. After tossing him the jacket, Dagda mounted and held out a hand to me.

I thought of sitting on that winged horse with him, his arms bound around me. “No, thanks. I’ll walk.”

His hand drew into a fist, but he retracted it. He kept his face passive as he pointed into the thick, dark forest. “The route to the castle is that way. Beware. At night, the Dullahan is said to roam this trail.”

I bit my lip. “What’s a Dullahan?”

“A creature on horseback that carries its head under its arm and brings permanent death to any who cross its path. Also, the queen of the banshees who feasts on faerie flesh has been seen in the area.”

He watched me with raised eyebrows. A challenge. I ground my teeth together, ready to take my chances just to get him to scrap that triumphant look. But I wasn’t even wearing shoes.

I sighed and reached out a hand. His warm palm slipped into mine, and he pulled me up in front of him. Strong arms settled around me as he took up the reins. His musky smell washed over me. I tried not to lean into his firm chest but felt it there all the same, pressing against me through my cloak.

“Is this so bad?” His breath grazed over my ear.

“You tell me. You were the one who practically threatened me to get me on the horse.”

I noted with satisfaction that his arms tensed. He dropped the reins and leaned to the side, pulling a leather strap out and securing it over my right thigh.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“The straps add extra security.” He bent to the left and tightened the remaining strap.

I shifted, the metal disc laying flush on my arm brushing against the folds of fabric, the cords holding it in place tight against my skin. “I wonder what other restrictive things you will do for my security.”

“If you think I have power over you,” he growled, the leather saddle groaning as he sat up. “You are mistaken. Perhaps you should take a moment to consider the threat you pose to others.”

I went rigid, and my voice came out flat. “Perhapsif you had asked before shoving this disc on me, I could do that?”

“Your faerie guardian is dangerous. Badb or Macha could use it to kill a faerie.”

“And I just thought you were trying to keep me from running off again.”

He sighed. “Would you like me to remove the straps from your legs?”

I glowered at the night, at the situation. Despite what Dagda claimed, he did have power over me. He had all the power.

He again picked up the reins, and nodded to Keelin. Our companion’s pegasus raced ahead and took off, its white body stark against the darkened sky.

Dagda nudged our pegasus. Its large wings spread as it cantered forward. It caught air, and my fingers curled into the flying horse’s mane, my stomach lurching with weightlessness.
