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With her lover, upon the waves,

Unto the land of the mortals.

There they lived out many a day,

There we see them once more,

He out hunting, she asleep,

On the sandy, sun-bathed shore.

Lo! Faerie of the sea found her there,

Knowing all she had betrayed,

And the wave came smashing, crashing,

Down upon where she laid.

Down she was pulled to the depths of the sea,

There kept without permission,

Days to years and many years did pass,

In her watery hell-dark prison.

Til one day she was freed and her body did rise,

From the deep to the light of day,

To find her true love, her mind did apprize,

And she sought him without delay.

She found him upon that sun-bathed shore,

Where she’d slept once, all alone,

A pile of rocks, a weathered named,

Etched into the brine covered stone.

A keening wail rose out of her bosom,

One never to be forgotten,

For on this day in front of her lover’s grave,

Was the Queen of the Banshees begotten.

O’ how the light plays on the crest of the wave,

that crashes to the briny shore,

Where a young maiden fair awaits,

Wishing for so much more.
