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His cold gray eyes swung to mine, anger flashing across his face. “Badb promised a strong rule, to return us to the glory of what we once were. I shall not apologize for wanting that.”

“Then, with your confession, I shall pronounce sentence,” Dagda said. “Niall, I strip you of your rank and title. The lands and your assets I give to your son to carry on. He shall take your place on the court and assume your duties, and I ban you from this castle.”

It was a gentler consequence than I wanted to give, but The Honorable Ones was a powerful house, one that Dagda had mentioned could sway the court to go to war. I hoped that this quasi punishment mixed with leniency would show the right amount of strength blended with compassion, and keep the court war-free.

“Roisin is to be released,” I said. “And for your loyal service, I make you Lady Roisin of the Royal City. A portion of the crown’s lands will be awarded to you.”

Roisin’s mouth dropped. “Your Majesty, I… I do not know what to say.”

This drew the most whispers. That made me want to smile. I kept my head high, my gaze stern. “Let it be noted today that this court rewards loyalty and punishes traitors.”

The guards surrounded Niall. The members of the court watched, no pity on their faces, and I felt my body go taught. I wanted to accomplish more than revealing Badb's plan and those willing to ally with her. Ornan lurked on the sides, observing. What if Dagda hadn’t picked up on the hints I’d placed in the stone concerning the demon?

“One more person is scheming to overthrow our throne. Ornan, Demon Lord, step forward,” Dagda said.

I slumped with relief. Thank god.

Ornan approached, his body stiff, jaw tight.

“It has been made clear to me,” Dagda said, “that you are no friend to this court.”

It had been even more difficult, getting Ornan’s threat across to Dagda through the stone. I couldn’t mention the demon or his plans. I had to find a way around it. And for this one I had created a memory—like from a story in my mind of the different creatures of the High Nine vowing to uphold the faerie court, but Ornan was conspicuously absent.

The demon lord’s inky eyes locked onto mine while he responded. “Of what am I accused, your majesties? Do you have evidence?”

Daga looked at me.

“I can’t provide evidence,” I said to the room. “He is not trustworthy. My word must stand on this.”

“I trust the words of our queen,” Dagda declared. “Ornan of the Demons, I bar you from this castle. I ban you from all faerie lands, forthwith. And rest assured, my soldiers shall be watching. If you make one move against this kingdom, if you transgress what I have declared or carry out any act of aggression, I will ensure that the High Nine strip you of your position and confine you back to the Dark Wood.”

Ornan snarled. “I should like to see you try.” He straightened. “I am not a part of this court and do not need to stand here and be leveled with such unspecified condemnations.” His eyes narrowed on me. “I shall take my leave.”

He stepped into the shadows, and then he was gone.

With his exit, the entire room seemed to draw a breath.

I felt almost giddy with relief. At least I’d warned Dagda. Ornan was now on his radar. Badb simmered deep inside, and this time Macha’s anger added to it.

This is what you get for underestimating me.

“I am a well-respected member of this court.” Niall’s tense body was filled with indignation. “I wanted a strong government and strong faerie lands, which is more than this king has provided. You, Dagda, are weak, neglectful…”

I stood and came down the steps. “Watch your tongue, Niall.” My voice held a clear warning. “Dagda is good, loyal to this kingdom, and ten times the man you will ever be.”

The room fell silent.

Dagda looked out over the court, his shoulders square, proud. “In two days, Badb and Macha will be gone forever and nothing will stop us from uniting and securing our nation from within and without.” His gaze turned on me, saturated with a rampaging heat. “Everyone is dismissed.”

Guilt twisted inside. No, that wouldn’t happen. But his fire filled me, shoving everything aside except for the emotions roaring through me. My heart rate sped up.

He wanted me.

He wanted me badly.

The guards escorted Niall out and the rest of the court followed, their unintelligible words flowing with them into the hallway. Dagda walked to the entrance, signaling for Keelin and Palon to follow. The two faerie knights exited, and Dagda heaved the throne room door shut.

We were alone.
