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“Later. Can you retrieve the bean or not?”

Lina nodded. “Where is it?”

“I hid it inside the hollow log on the east side of the lake. Meet me back at this spot. And hurry.”

Leaving Lina behind, Odette raced down the path to the gazebo. She grabbed the book, hating that she didn’t have time to read it. But she wasn’t planning on returning here after the curse broke, so she’d need to take it with her. As she spun around, a piece of paper slipped out from the rear cover and fluttered to the ground. She snatched it up and looked at it.

And paled.

It was a marriage certificate. Uniting an Ida Stellyta of the Flowering Woods in the bonds of matrimony with Prince Albert of the Royal house of Von Salian. Odette sucked in a breath.

Prince Albert. The late King Bryant’s deceased younger brother.

He had married Zoya’s mother.

Odette looked around, then swore out loud. She forced open the diary and was shocked to find that certain pages within were earmarked. Biting her lip, she turned to the first entry.

Today I delivered a healthy baby girl to a woman named Stellyta. Imagine my surprise when I beheld the Mark of Kings on her shoulder. I should not have recognized it except that every child and babe knew what the Mark of Kings should look like, the distinctive symbol of the cornflower on her right shoulder. A symbol from the gods that she is of the royal ones. This young babe was destined to one day rule our noble kingdom.

The mother, Stellyta, begged me not to tell a soul. Said she’d married Prince Albert in secret. But as his father became more and more violent, seeking to hunt down any who dared claim a right to the throne, even his own kin, she became afeared when she found she was with child. She and Prince Albert agreed to separate and never speak of what happened between them. She gave me the only piece of evidence of their marriage and asked me to hold on to it for her. To hold all that I’d discovered close to my soul for the safety of her and her child.

She named the baby girl Princess Zoya. The life that has sprouted to rule us all.

Odette’s heart pounded in her chest. She turned to the next earmarked entry.

King Bryant is dead. Many believe that this is the end of the Salian line. But I know otherwise. Stellyta may hate me for what I have decided to do, but the threat of death is long past and the kingdom needs its true ruler. I will write to King Bryant’s wife, Lady Emiranda, and inform her that not all is lost. That there is one who has been blessed by the gods to lead this great kingdom.

Completely entranced, Odette flipped to the next marked page.

The so-called queen, Emiranda, disputes my claim and I have written back that should she issue me an invitation, I would show her proof enough to dispel any doubts.

Odette let out a long breath, dread curling in her chest as she turned to the last page in the diary.

I have not heard from her majesty and I now fear I may have overstepped my bounds. That the woman who sits on the throne has no desire to step down. I worry I might have placed Stellyta and her daughter in danger by giving their names to her. I have written to Stellyta to warn her of what I have done and pray that the letter travels quickly. Gods grant that I am wrong in my suspicions but I will hide this diary with all the evidence contained therein, just in case.

“Oh, Helga,” Odette muttered as she closed the thin book that housed the brief remains of Helga’s life. The poor woman had paid quite a price for her sense of duty.

Her mind spinning, she folded the marriage notice and shoved it into the diary. Could it really be the queen that was behind everything? Rothbart said it had to be someone with power and connections, and money.

Who had more of that than Queen Emiranda?

This was it. The answer they had long been looking for. Her fist closed around the pendant on her neck. She should tell Rothbart.

No. He’d discovered her plans with Torsten. Rothbart hated her.

The thought gutted her insides, leaving her only a hollowed-out shell. Her eyes drew shut as she fought the reaction. She already knew… sheknewthis would happen. Besides, she shouldn’t care. He’d abandoned her at the cabin. Left her as if she was nothing. So why was it affecting her this way?

Torsten and his guards were waiting for her. This was her one chance to break the swan curse…

… And she’d have access to the queen. Could she really kill the queen, Torsten’s mother, and free them from the skull pact, too? If she succeeded, she’d become the most wanted woman in the kingdom.

But then Zoya would be safe. And even though Rothbart would never know, at least she could do this for him. She could protect the one person he had left.

“Odette?” Torsten called through the trees.

She’d taken too long. They were searching for her. She needed to meet Lina and take the bean from her before all was ruined. Lifting her dress, she tucked the diary and its precious contents into the waistband of her underthings. Maybe, after everything, she’d find a way to get it to Rothbart, and he’d understand.

Focusing on straightening her skirts, she hurried forward and rammed right into something hard and unmoving. She glanced up into two familiar angry accusing depths.
