Page 20 of O'Connell's Forever

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With one final push, the tension slips from her, then the room fills with a cry, and triumph rushes through me. “Holy shit. You did it. You did it, baby.”

“You did it, Will. You have a beautiful little girl,” Paige declares while proceeding to push a gooey-looking baby into Will’s outstretched arms.

“A fucking girl, Will. You gave us a girl.” My eyes blur with a surge of love so strong my body sways, and I stare down at the love of my life tending to our little girl.

Will gently wipes our little girl with her blouse, and it’s only now I notice her top half is naked, apart from her bra. “Thank you,” I tell her, every ounce of gratitude, every ounce of fucking love spills from my lips. “I love you so fucking much.”

She tilts her head to face me, and her hazel eyes shine with admiration. “I love you too.”

“What are you going to call her?” Paige asks as she wipes her hands on a napkin.

I lick my lips, deep in thought. We had agreed to wait to see what the baby was and what it looked like before choosing a name. My eyes flick down to the soft brown head of hair, a wrinkled pink body, and delicate features. “Eve. I think we should name her Eve,” I suggest.

“Eve?” Will whispers while stroking over her plump little fist clutching her finger. “Like Christmas Eve?”

“Exactly that,” I breathe out, unable to take my gaze from theirs.

Will smiles with tears in her eyes at our little girl. “I love it. Eve Cynthia Paige O’Connell.”

I smile at the reference of my ma and Paige and couldn’t be prouder. They deserve the recognition. O’Connell women are fucking strong, each and every one of them, and my girl will be too. She’s going to be a forced to be reckoned with; I can feel it in my veins.

The door to the dining room opens just as the lights flicker back on. Cal enters first with Keen hot on his heels, and the tension in my shoulders eases at my son’s approach. “Is it a boy?” he asks.

My grin encompasses my face with pride. “No, buddy. It’s a girl. Her name’s Eve.”

He glances down at Eve in her momma’s arms before scrunching up his nose. “I’ll look out for her.” He gifts me with a chin lift that makes Will chuckle. Then he spins on his heel, gifting David’s body a swift kick in the balls. “Piece of shit has been watching my mom.”

“What?” Cal quizzes, his eyes darting from mine to Keen’s in question.

“I saw him watching my mom through the window while she was trying on dresses Aunty Paige sent her over.”

“Oh my God, he’s been giving me the creeps for weeks.” Will gasps.

My spine bolts straight and anger surges through me. “Why the hell didn’t you say something?” I snap, but then I soften when her hurt eyes meet mine. I lick my lips. “I’m sorry, baby.”

“I just thought I was paranoid,” she admits.

The prick sealed his fate further; he’s a dead man.

Anger bubbles inside me, and my eyes scan over the room in an attempt to disperse the feeling of my control slipping.

Bren appears in the doorway, his clothes disheveled, his eyes unfocused as he rubs his head.

“What the hell happened to you?” I quiz.

“Fell on the fucking kitchen floor and hit my head on the counter. Goddamn slippery as fuck in there. I don’t know what’s been spilled.”

Will stifles a chuckle while I smirk at his words. I hadn’t cleaned the oil up as much as I thought I had. Oops.

“Con, can you help clean me up?” I snap my eyes down toward Will and jolt at the realization my woman is very much on show for my brothers to see.

My jaw sets, and I breathe in a sharp breath. “Can you all fuck off out the room? We need some privacy!”

“House is secure, Finn has located Prince. It appears him and Keen were going to the Christmas workshop?” Oscar’s tone is laced in annoyance as he glares in my direction, making my face heat with the insinuation that this is my fault. I tighten my jaw and lift my chin. There’s no fucking way this was all my fault, and then my shoulders drop, knowing I fucked up. “Oh, and the power surge was due to a Christmas light cable becoming disconnected and water seeping into the electrics. One of numerous cables that never should have been used in the first place.”

Okay, so maybe that bit was my fault. I scrub a hand over my head. “Could have been worse.” I shrug.

Oscar’s eyes widen ever so slightly, and he breathes out of his nose before he shakes his head in what I’m sure is his way of banishing my comment, then he casts his eyes over to Paige. She gives him a slow nod, and his posture relaxes slightly. Anyone else wouldn’t have noticed, but growing up with Oscar as your brother, you come to read his reactions, even when he thinks you’ve no idea.
