Page 10 of Sapphire

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My mother was an Omega, just like me. But she wasn’t in a pack that cherished their females. Omegas are relatively rare and the only females that can take an Alpha’s knot. Other shifter females and humans are torn apart, literally killing them. An Alpha’s knot is too violent for anyone other than an Omega to handle. My mother and three other Omega’s were held against their will and passed around the pack for the enjoyment of all the Alphas. Once she found out she was pregnant with me, she ran, escaping to save me from a fate similar to hers.

She raised me alone, away from the pack lifestyle. She is the reason I don’t trust Alphas or Packs. No one stood up for her or tried to save her from being raped every day. They simply stood back and watched, thankful it wasn’t them.

It’s been six years since she died in a car accident and I miss her every day.

A howl rips through the air and a full-body shiver works through me. I know I’m not being fair toward the big Alpha but I have an ingrained fear that he will simply use and discard me.

Slipping from the bed, I grab my robe and head to the kitchen. I won’t be getting any sleep with Silas stalking around outside. I find Linda seated at the counter, a mug of tea in her hands.

“I’m sorry,” I say immediately, but the older woman only smiles.

“Nothing to be sorry for, dear. I know how a male can be when chasing his mate.”

“I hate that I am putting you and your family in the middle of this,” I say, sitting beside her.

“I remember when David tried to convince me to be his mate.”

A small smile curves the side of her lips at the memory.

“Convince?” I ask.

“Oh yes, dear,” she pats my hand before rising and rounding the counter. “Let me make you some tea, and I will tell you the story.”

Smiling, I nod at her. She reminds me of my mother in some moments. Especially now. My mother also thought a good cup of tea could fix any problem. She flits around the yellow kitchen with the white cabinets.

“I was almost eighteen when my father brought us to the Whychwood pack. He disagreed with how the Alpha in our old pack treated the people. My father wanted to get me out of there before I was old enough to be claimed by any of the males. Then Alpha, Dean Anderson, Silas’ father welcomed us with open arms. A month later, I had my birthday.” Linda chuckles before handing me a mug of steaming jasmine tea. “David had been snooping around, leaving me flowers. But I didn’t want anything to do with him.”

“Really?” I ask in surprise. I’ve seen the two of them together, and even though they are an older couple, it’s clear that they adore each other. It’s been less than forty-eight hours, but I can tell they have a deep, lasting love.

“Oh yes. I had seen too much growing up, and I didn’t want any man keeping me prisoner and holding me back.” A look of sadness crosses her features before she smiles once more. “But David, he wasn’t giving up. His wolf slept outside my window for a month before I gave in and went on a date with him. That boy pulled out all the stops. We were mated in a fortnight, and I had my first pup within a year.”

I take a moment just to let her story settle in my mind, playing her words over in my mind.

“How did you get over the fear?”

“I didn’t,” she squeezes my hand before standing and placing her mug in the basin. “But when I had David beside me, I knew I could conquer anything.”

She walks out leaving me alone with my cooling tea and my spinning thoughts.

Chapter Eight

Day 3

Silas Anderson

I watch from a distance as Talulla and Linda walk through the compound. Linda leads her, introducing her to other women as they progress. Maddox is with them, the only unmated male I trust enough with my mate, ensuring that she is safe and that all other males keep their distance. I know that the pack has heard my decree and that everyone is keeping their distance, but I can’t guarantee that even the most innocent interaction with Talulla won’t set me off into a murderous rage.

This isn’t how I usually operate.

I am the pack Alpha for a reason. I have always been decisive. When I see something I want, I take it. I don’t hold back, and I always get my way.

But being bullheaded and making demands isn’t going to get me a damn thing this time. It goes against everything in my nature, but I need to wait for her to come to me or I know I will lose her.

The fading sunlight glints off her dark hair as she throws her head back in laughter. My breath stalls in my lungs, and my heart thumps against my ribs. I want to stalk over to her and steal her away from all the eyes that are tracking her movements. I want to keep her to myself so no one can see how radiant she is and try to steal her from me.

My attention is drawn from her to my brother. He is currently arguing with Tyler, a younger pack member, blocking his route to Talulla. The problem is that his attention isn’t where it should be. I watch as Daryl approaches Talulla and clench my fists at my sides. I am trying to keep my composure but I can feel my tenuous grip on my control slipping.

Linda positions herself between Daryl and his intended target, but he shoulders her out of the way. His right hand is extended toward Talulla. My mate sneers at him before checking to see if her friend is okay. Daryl touches her arm, turning her toward him, and I can’t hold myself at bay any longer.
