Page 14 of Catching Their Mate

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“I never wanted to be a hunter,” I say softly before letting my gaze slip back to Caine. “I told my father I was quitting before they went on the raid and when he came back everything changed. I stayed to avenge Aaron.”

“Fuck,” Raleigh says softly, shaking his head.

“Would your father lie to you?” Caine asks seriously. “Can you honestly say he wouldn’t manipulate you like that?”

“Let me ask you something. Do you eat humans?”

I feel stupid the moment the words leave my lips. Instantly, I know it’s all been a lie. My father has been manipulating me my entire life and I was too stupid to see it.

“No, Iris,” Caine says with a chuckle. “We do love bacon, though.”

I blush beet red before sinking down against the wall and resting my forehead on my knees. My heart is breaking. How could I have been so naive? How could my father be so cruel? This revelation has changed my entire life, and shaken me down to my core.

Everything I have been taught, everything that I believed in, is a lie.

When I look back up again, it is only me and the twins in the kitchen.

“Where did they go?” I ask softly.

“They’ve gone back to their own homes,” Sayer says. “Caine wants to see you in a couple of days, but he doesn’t think you’re a threat so you’re welcome to stay.”

“Or, we could take you back to town,” Raleigh adds. “If that’s what you want.”

“I don’t have anywhere to go. My father pays for everything,” I say, my voice broken. “The apartment is in his name.”

“You can stay here if you want,” Raleigh says reaching his hand down to help me up. “We wouldn’t mind the company.”

“You don’t know me. Hell,Idon’t even know me right now.” I sound slightly hysterical. “What the hell am I supposed to do with my life now?”

“Why don’t we take it one day at a time?” Sayer says when I finally stand. “We can work it out from there.”

Chapter Thirteen


My heart broke last night when Iris finally figured out the truth. Having everything you’ve believed your entire life ripped apart couldn’t have been fun. I know it won’t be easy for her going forward but I am hoping she will allow me and Sayer to be by her side through this. We both want to support her in any way we can.

I grab a quick shower before heading downstairs where the smell of freshly brewed coffee is already floating through the air. Iris is standing at the counter, wearing one of my t-shirts and very little else. It is much too big on her and comes to the middle of her thighs, but her tan legs are on full display, and it takes me more than a moment to get myself under control.

Adjusting my erection for what feels like the millionth time, I enter the kitchen.

“Morning,” I say announcing my presence.

“Hey,” she says shyly. “I hope you don’t mind I brewed a pot.”

“Not at all.” I smile making my way around her and filling my own cup. “Coffee is my second favorite smell in the morning.”

“Will you take me back to town?” she asks after a moment of silence. My chest hurts at her question and the uncertainty in her voice. “I have to be at work later.”

“Peyton spoke to Ingrid this morning,” Sayer cuts in as he enters from outside wearing only a pair of sweatpants. “They’ve known each other for years. Ingrid has someone filling your spot until you decide what to do.”

“What?” Iris demands loudly. “I need that job. I need to be able to survive on my own now.”

“You still have your job,” I say softly. “But now you also have a couple of days to work through everything.”

Her hands go to her hips as she glares at each of us in turn. “What am I supposed to do for a couple of days? Sit around here? I don’t even have clean clothes.”

“Keela is going into town, and she’ll pick up some of your stuff,” Sayer says.
