Page 15 of Catching Their Mate

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“That’s an invasion of my privacy!”

“And we need to talk to you,” Sayer adds hastily. “I know last night was a lot to be bombarded with but there are still some things you don’t know.”

Hurt flits across her features. “Such as?”

All the fight leaves her instantly. I hate that she expects the worst already but why wouldn’t she?

“Sayer,” I caution.

“No,” he says with finality. “We have been waiting six months to talk to her and I am going to take my chance while I have it.”

“What are you two talking about?” Iris asks with a frown.

“We should sit down for this conversation,” I say, running my hand through my hair.

“I don’t want to sit,” Iris starts but Sayer cuts her off.

“It would be better.”

Both of us implore her with our gazes until she nods, giving in to this one request. We each take our cups of coffee and make our way to the living room. The tension in the air is a palpable thing, vibrating through each of us.

Iris takes a seat in the only armchair, folding her legs beneath her, flashing her milky thighs, and forcing myself and Sayer to sit on the tan leather couch.


She watches each of us closely. I am trying to find the right words to break the news to her when my brother simply blurts it out. Again.

“You’re our fated mate.”

I am going to have to spend some time teaching him about tact and finesse. You can’t just go around blurting out whatever you feel like.

Iris frowns before carefully placing her cup on the glass coffee table with trembling hands. “What does that mean?” she asks cautiously.

“What exactly do you know about shifters?” I ask, watching her closely.

“After last night?” A harsh chuckle leaves her. “Let’s say for the purposes of this conversation that I just found out about the existence of shifters.”

“Okay,” Sayer says with a nod before turning to me expectantly. Of course, he would keep his mouth shut now, leaving me to deal with everything.

“Shifters have three things that make us unique from humans. We are pack orientated. Which means that most of us prefer to spend time with our own kind. We can shift. Our pack is made up of wolf shifters but there are many different types of shifters. And lastly, we have fated mates. Someone chosen for us by the Goddess to spend the rest of our lives with.”

“And I’m yourmate?” Iris asks in disbelief.

“Yes,” we reply in unison.

“How do you know?”

“There’s your scent,” Sayer says, taking a deep breath. “I’ve never smelled anything like it.”

Iris blushes deeply and a smile tugs at the corner of her lips. She tries to hide it by ducking her chin, but I already saw it.

“And there is the inescapable draw we feel. We weren’t even within fifty miles of Katu Falls and we already knew you were here,” I explain. “It’s why we joined this pack.”

“Wait,” she cuts me off with a hand in the air. “You left your entire lives behind because you sensed your mate might be here?”

“Well, to be fair, it wasn’t much of a life before,” I say and Sayer nods in agreement. “And it was time for us to move on.”

“And what do you mean, your fated mate? Who? You or Sayer?”
