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“I’m sorry, that sounded horrible and not at all how I meant it. But to be honest, you look more like a biker or a mechanic than an intellectual.”

“I could be all of those.”

The words leave my lips without any forethought, easily flirting with her. Her laughter fills the empty spaces in my tortured soul, and I can’t help but smile back at her.

“Would you like to grab some coffee?” I ask.

A look of shock dominates her features before it softens. “If we can make it a beer instead. After a day at work, I can’t stand the smell of coffee.”

Standing, I discreetly adjust my erection. “Sounds good to me.”

“Where is your brother?” Iris asks as she walks beside me, heading toward the only bar in town.

A strange feeling settles in my core. I would never have an issue sharing a mate with my brother. But I never even considered that she might prefer one of us above the other. Is that what this is? Is she only making conversation with me to get to Sayer?

“Why do you ask?” I say carefully.

“No reason.” She smiles. “I read somewhere that twins spend more time together than any other siblings. I was wondering how accurate that was.”

I nod as the irrational fear quickly recedes. “Sayer and I are close. Very close actually. But he’s busy today.”

“Yes, you mentioned that he had things to do.”

She sounds a little disappointed, but I don’t think about it too long. Pushing the door open, I lead her into the dimly lit bar. Jamie, the bartender, nods when he sees me.

“I’ll grab us each a beer and you can grab us a booth,” I say with a smile.

Iris nods before heading toward the back. I need a moment away from her intoxicating scent to get myself and my wolf under control before spending more time with her. I wait patiently as Jaime helps another customer before he hands me two ice-cold beers and I head over to where Iris is seated.

This is going to be a special kind of torture, but I don’t think I can deny myself the chance to spend some time with her. She has already become as important to me as the air I breathe and I don’t even know her last name.

How ridiculous is that? I wonder if it is only because of the mating bond or if it’s more. Could I honestly be falling for a stranger?

Chapter Seven


When I spotted him sitting beneath the massive elm tree reading a book, my feet carried me in his direction, like I was being drawn to him. It doesn’t make any sense because I don’t know him or his brother, but I missed them both today. It isn’t something I can explain but since they walked into the diner, I have felt this indescribable draw to both of them.

They are shifters, the enemy, and I know this as well as I know my name. Either one of them could have been the animal that dealt the fatal blow that killed my brother. And yet, I can’t stop thinking about them.

Watching him from across the hazy bar I can’t help but appreciate him. He is tall and muscular. His jeans encase his thighs and well-sculpted ass perfectly driving me slightly loopy. My hormones have been on the rampage since I laid eyes on the two of them. I’ve never been the type of girl that let my pussy lead me but I swear I have had a few moments where I strongly considered it today.

“I hope this is okay,” Raleigh says, placing the amber bottle in front of me. “I can get you something else?”

I take three big sips, hoping to settle my nerves and give myself some liquid courage. This man does things to me I’m not quite sure how to explain. I want to do the right thing and use him to gain all the information I need to end his pack. But on the other hand, I want to jump over this table and kiss the ever-loving shit out of him.

We sit in silence simply staring at one another. Strangely, it’s not even the slightest bit uncomfortable and I feel weirdly at peace in his presence. If I was one of those girls that believed in happily ever after, I would say he is my soulmate. But things like that don’t exist in real life. Do they?

“Is this weird?” I ask softly. I need to talk to keep my mind from wandering to all the dirty thoughts running through my mind.

“More than you know,” Raleigh chuckles. “Do you want to leave?”

“No.” I shake my head. “I’m just trying to figure out what we’re doing.”

“How about this? You can ask me any questions you want, and I promise to reply honestly. And if you still feel weird in half an hour, we can go our separate ways.”

The idea of walking away from this man has me breathing harder. For some inexplicable reason, I want to be closer to him, not further away.
