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“Is it only you and Sayer? I mean, where is the rest of your family?”

“It’s just us. We never knew our dad and our mom died when we were young. We were raised by an uncle, of sorts, but we don’t see him anymore,” he says. “But we’ve built our own family. Godrick and Keela took us in, and we’ve grown fond of their friends.”

“That sounds great,” I muse, taking a moment to think about my own family. “It’s just me and my dad now. My brother died last year.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Raleigh reaches across the table and clasps my hand.

Strangely, I believe his words. He really is sorry for my loss. I don’t think anyone has shown me this much compassion in years and it warms my heart.

“It’s okay. We were never that close.” I shut down the conversation and my emotions.

Raleigh frowns at my reaction. “What brought you to Katu Falls?” he asks, easily continuing into the next logical part of our little conversation.

I know I should lie to him, but it feels wrong. I want to tell him the truth and see where the chips fall. But I know I can’t do that. He is dangerous. All his kind are, and it’s my duty to make sure they don’t hurt anyone else.

“I just needed a new start.”

The lie slips out effortlessly and we continue our conversation. We talk for what feels like minutes but is probably more like an hour. We have a couple more beers and soon my stomach growls loudly and embarrassment sweeps through me.

“I’ll order us some food,” Sayer says and chuckles. “How does a bacon cheeseburger sound.”

“That sounds perfect.”

My heart beats a mile a minute as I watch him approach the bar. Now is probably the best chance I will have. Retrieving the vial from my handbag, I pour the white powder into his beer before looking back at him. His back is turned to me as I swill the contents, making sure the powder dissolves before he returns. Guilt gnaws at my insides but I know this is what needs to be done to protect the people of Katu Falls.

I am doing the right thing.

I think.

Chapter Eight


I’ve heard that humans believe in a twin bond. That one twin can sense the other’s fear or some shit like that. Let me tell you what a true twin bond is.

The moment Raleigh is near our mate, which has been two hours by the way, I can feel his arousal. His happiness and contentment at being able to spend time with her swim through my veins like a fucking drug. It even calms my crazy-ass wolf to know that at least one of us is making some progress with her.

But this connection also lets me know the moment there is something wrong. Drowsiness and disorientation hit me like a freight train, confusion coating my mind. My wolf changes direction from where we were hunting a small deer and heads back toward town. It only takes us a couple of minutes to get there and circle toward the bar where we feel Raleigh’s presence the strongest.

The inky blackness of the moonless night hides many things from humans but as a shifter, my eyesight adapts, and I can see everything as clear as day.

In the alley behind the bar, Iris has my brother pinned to a brick wall. If anyone else were to walk past it would look like a lover’s embrace, but I can see and feel the truth. Raleigh is barely conscious, and she is struggling with all her might not to let him fall to the dirty alley floor. If it were anyone else, I would be laughing.

I know he isn’t drunk. Shifters have an insane tolerance, and he isn’t a big drinker. Also, the effects of whatever he ingested, acted way too fast for alcohol.

Instead of hiding in the shadows, trying to figure out what happened, I allow the shift to shimmer over me, transforming me back to my human form. Naked, I walk slowly toward Iris and my brother.

“Why the fuck do you have to be so big?” she grumbles, struggling to get a better hold of Raleigh.

“What are you doing, Iris?” I ask softly into her ear.

A shriek leaves her lips as she spins, letting go of my brother. I watch his body drop to the ground like a bag of potatoes. My attention quickly snaps back to our mate. The shock of my appearance is quickly wearing off.

Her gaze travels across my body, taking in my nudity and the erection I have no intention of hiding from her.

“You’re naked!”

“And you’re a hunter.”
