Page 121 of Twisted Obsession

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“We know. That’s the only reason I haven’t kicked you in the balls,” Lavena said without missing a beat. “Because, you see, you’re not just getting Kami in this relationship. You’re getting us and, unlike her, we don’t have any problems messing up that pretty face of yours.”

My eyes narrowed even as I felt a swell of pride. Kami being left alone and unprotected had been my biggest worry. Now, my sympathies were with whoever was stupid enough to touch her with these three around.

“I would expect nothing less,” I told them.

Lavena beamed. “Good. Now,” she looped her arm through mine and maneuvered us back towards the party, “I think you should let Kami have her fun tonight and enjoy the party with her date. You guys can talk tomorrow—”

I stopped and yanked my arm free. “The only person she will be enjoying the party with will be me. Her ride can go home on his own two legs, or I will help him get there on a stretcher.”

“That’s not nice,” Sasha gasped.

“Oh, I’ve already been as nice as I will get on this matter.” I faced my sister. “Where is she?”

Lavena blew out a breath and waved absently. “Well, you’d see her if you turned around.”

I spun before she finished talking, gaze scanning the room.

She stood in the doorway, a vision in the shimmering, silver dress I’d sent her. It clung to her the way no dress ever should, a second skin that made every curve prominent. It dipped and glided, outlining her silhouette, draped casually over her firm breasts and emphasized the contours of her legs strapped in matching sandals. Her dark hair was down in shiny waves along her back and pinned up on one side. Her makeup was sultry and designed to make a man think of steamy nights interlocked with her across satin sheets. If I hadn’t already been head-over-heels in love with the woman, that dress would have done me in.

“Fuck,” I breathed, brain already imagining all the ways I wanted to peel it off her.

But it all came crashing down when she turned her head and smiled at the tall, blond Adonis that stepped up next to her and offered her his arm.

“Who the fuck is that?” The growl came from deep in my chest, a guttural snarl I shredded through clenched teeth.

“Oh, that’s Lance,” Lavena supplied sweetly. “The handyman from the shop. Gorgeous, isn’t he?”

Not when I was done with him, I thought, jealousy a white-hot noise in my ears, singing through my blood. I’d never murdered anyone, but I was more than willing to make this guy my first.

As if sensing my bloodlust from across the vast expanse of space, Kami’s head turned, and our eyes met. She took in my face before her gaze dropped to the fists balled at my sides. She said something to the dead man next to her and gestured in the direction of the refreshment table. He nodded like an obedient puppet before leaving her side.

Kami turned back to me once he was out of sight, but I was already moving towards her, head full of hot steam and desperation. I didn’t know whether I was going to shake her once I got my hands on her or toss her over my shoulder and take her back to my room, but something was about to happen.

“It’s not what you think,” she said the moment I was close enough.

“You have no idea what I’m thinking,” I bit out.

“Me and Lance—”

“There is no you and Lance,” I cut in sharply. “There never will be. The only person you belong to is me.”

I didn’t miss the flare of outrage in her eyes. “You can’t—”

“But I fucking can, kitten.” I hooked my arm around her waist and yanked her into my chest, destroying whatever protest she was about to make. The fury vanished into surprise before darkening into something I recognized all too well — desire. “You’re mine, do you understand? Your body, your heart, your future … mine. I want all of you. Everything you have. Everything you are willing to give me. And I will kill that fucker if he ever touches you again.”

Her lips parted, soft and welcoming. “Darius…”

I lowered my head, letting my mouth hover inches from hers, thrilled with her sharp inhale. “Stop talking. You have some nerve coming to my party with another man wearing my fucking dress.” I felt the tremor rock through her, and I tightened my hold. “Did you think I would take that lightly? Did you think I would just roll over while some prick puts his hands on you?” Islid my palm up the naked stretch of skin where the thin, silver straps crossed her back to cup the back of her neck, adding just enough pressure to mean business. “You’re mine, Kami, do you understand?” I smothered my grin against the curve of her jaw when she obediently nodded. “Good. Now, tell him to leave before I toss him over the balcony. Then, you and I are going to find a quiet place to talk.”

“I can’t,” her breathy gasp burned against the side of my neck.

I drew back to peer into her flushed face. “If you don’t, I will and I will not let him leave with all his pieces.”

“No!” She closed her small hands into the lapel of my blazer, holding me in place when I started past her. “Wait. Please.” Breathing heavily, she peered up at me, eyes pleading. “Lance and I—”

The man in question appeared before she could finish, two wine glasses in hand. The fucker was smiling, oblivious to how close he was to getting all those pretty teeth rearranged.

“Hey,” he said, passing Kami a crystal flute. “I can’t believe how amazing this place is.” His bright, blue eyes moved past Kami to rest on me. He extended a hand. “Hi, I’m Lance.”
