Page 142 of Twisted Obsession

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Because my room wasn’t crowded enough, Edmund took that moment to waltz in. His pale eye jumped from person to person and stopped on me

His eyes widened. “You’re up!”

The nurse ignored him as she pulled the blankets up around me. “I’ll get the doctor.” She turned to the others in the room. “The rest of you, visiting hours are over. Only one person can stay.”

With that, she marched out.


I stared at each of the three’s faces. Only two actually seemed to know what I was talking about. Edmund glanced from me to the two off to the side.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“Maybe Mom and Dad are the people to talk to,” Lavena decided getting nods of agreement from Kami.

“No, you. Now.”

My sister shot the woman beside her a single glance before stepping closer. She opened her mouth, but Kami grabbed her arm.

“It was me. All of it. I take full responsibility for whatever happens.” She lowered her hand and moved to the foot of the bed. “It had to happen. You might disagree, but I don’t regret it.” She sucked in air that lifted her breasts against the soft material of her T-shirt. My body’s immediate reaction gave me hope that I hadn’t lost more than a few pints of blood. “It would never have stopped. When Uriah finds out that you lived, he’ll try again. He had to be stopped.”

I processed the information she was giving me with the bravery of someone explaining why there was a body in the trunk of her car.

“Did you put a hit on Volkov?” I murmured, disbelieving and marveling at the prospect.

“No!” she said firmly, then winced and added, “not exactly. Your parents decided that might be the best thing, and I agreed.”

I let that simmer, understanding the rational behind the decision. “Okay, well, I get that.”

But then, Kami looked back at Lavena and Lavena shrugged.

Fuck me.

There was more.

Breathing hard, Kami darted around the side of my bed to stand next to me, fingers twisting aggressively at her midsection. “Don’t get mad, okay?”

“Fuck, Kami…”

She put a hand up. “Let me explain. He tried to have you killed. He hired someone to take you out of my life. He made me watch as you bled in my arms. If he had succeeded, I would have lost you again, but forever this time. You did the time. Maybe that’s not good enough for him, but I don’t give a fuck. I don’t care that his son was a shitty person who was probably going to get killed by someone eventually. I don’t care if he thinks he’s some tough guy who sends shady little assholes to lurk in parking garages. He came after the man I love. He thought Iwould just let that slide and consider us even. An eye for an eye. But we are not even. Not even close. I don’t want Uriah to just die. That’s too easy. I want him to watch as everyone he loves dies. I want him drenched in their blood. I want him to feel every second of the pain and fear I felt that night, and I am not sorry. I won’t regret it or take it back.”

I stared at the woman standing over me, an ethereal beauty with eyes full of murder and vengeance and the sweetest words of love on her lips. The sheer rage stiffening the delicate lines of her spine was as precise as a whalebone corset strapped across her chest. This was not a woman who knew mercy or surrender. This was a woman who was prepared to burn the city to the ground … for me.

“What did you do?”

There was no hesitation in her response.

No remorse.

She met my gaze with cold, unflinching certainty. “What had to be done.”

Fuck, I loved her.

If my innards weren’t being kept inside my body by a handful of threads, I would have had her on the bed with me, legs twisted around my hips as I showed her just how fucking hot she made me.

“Come here, kitten.” She regained her spot at my side, her hip bumping mine as she leaned over me, bracing her weight with the knuckles she bolted into the pillow on either side of my head. “You two can wait outside,” I told my siblings without taking my eyes off the face hovering inches over mine.

I vaguely recalled hearing the door shut. Then silence.
