Page 49 of Twisted Obsession

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I was pushing away from the only thing holding me up and moving towards her without a shred of consent from my brain.

“Kitten,” I breathed, the single word rumbling up my chest in a gruff growl that was highly inappropriate.

I knew it the moment her dark, smoky eyes widened, and her bright, red lips parted. I knew it the moment her tits hitched in their useless confines.

Lavena and the others — bless them and fuck them — took that moment to barge in, a chaotic clatter of heels and laughter. They saw Kami and squealed as they rushed her, saving her from me, because at that moment, all I wanted to know was what she had on under.

If anything.

And how to get it off.

We took my car. Lavena jumped into the passenger’s side seat, leaving the other three to cram into the back. Kami sat behind me. I could feel her there, a radiant heat burning my back. While the others chatted loudly, excited for the evening, she sat quiet and still, a tiny, helpless kitten watching me back through the rear-view mirror.

At the club, I opened her door and watched her slide one long, toned leg out, the tiny foot encased in a high, black pump. I gave her my hand, supposedly offering my assistance when all I wanted was to touch her.

She accepted it and rose slowly before me, dark eyes fixed on mine.

“Thank you,” she whispered once she stood before me.

“You look beautiful, Kami,” I murmured, thrilled when her shy smile filled her cheeks with color. “You’re going to have me digging a lot of holes tonight.”

Her brows furrowed in confusion, but I was saved from explaining when Lavena called her over and she left me to my downright filthy thoughts. My pants had never felt so fucking tight, or my chest. Both seemed to be competing to see which of them would burst first.

I spent the entire night in the office, watching her from the one-way mirror overlooking the whole main floor. I told myself it was to keep douchebags from harassing them or trying something, but I couldn’t even say where my sister or the other two were. My eyes refused to leave Kami. She’d become a flame, and I was an obsessed moth drawn to her heat and radiance. I wanted to burn in her. I wanted to catch fire and become nothing but ashes under her touch. I wanted to be so far up inside her she bowed in two and screamed my name for the whole world to hear. I had never in my life hurt so badly for a woman, and she wasn’t the first woman I’d seen in a leather dress. Hell, I’d seen Kami in a fucking bikini. I’d seen her in dozens of beautiful dresses. But something about her that night…

I was addicted.

I was so absorbed and obsessed, I couldn’t think straight.

Maybe I just needed to get laid.

It was a possibility.

It had been a year since Liya, and I just never had time to find another woman. Maybe I just needed to find someone and take them back to my apartment. Hell, bring them up to the office. I’d never fucked anyone up there, but I…

Kami took the ears off and set them on the table. She laughed at something Kas said and did a little twirl on the heel of her deathtraps. The skirt flared. I couldn’t see from high up, but several other heads pivoted in her direction.

Fury roared up, claiming the place of my hunger. My fingers balled as their table was crowded by stupid, little pricks dressed up in the douchiest costumes. A pimp? A gangster? Come on. None of them would know what to do with someone like Kami if they got her. They would never treat her right, not the way she deserved. They would only hurt her, and I would end up with blood stains on my shirt.

A pirate leaned a little too close to her. Kami hedged a step back, smiling politely. He motioned in the direction of the bar. She shook her head and picked up her nearly empty martini glass as if to show him. The pirate’s smile slipped as mine peaked.

“That’s right, you stupid fuck,” I muttered under my breath.

He noticed a stunning blonde in a pink, feathery dress, and immediately lost interest in trying to win Kami and disappeared into the crowd.

I watched Kami’s face, waiting to see disappointment or rejection, but she downed her drink and met eyes with Lavena. She said something and gave a shrug as if to say,what ya going to do?Both started laughing.

The four hit the dance floor. Under the flashing lights, Kami was breathtaking, her hair gleaming, her body swaying to the music I couldn’t hear in my soundproof bubble. Her skirt swished and moved around her legs, never going high enough to appease my curiosity.


I’d forgotten about the three behind me, my purpose even being there. Yet, it was annoyance that fueled me when I faced the small, sweaty man sitting in the chair, flagged by two of my best bouncers and occasional muscle.

I glanced back once to see where Kami was, if she was still okay before addressing my duties.

I may have taken care of business a little too aggressively, but a lot had happened that night. I was still reeling from the avalanche of emotions I was feeling over Kami, the relentless boner cutting into my zipper, the fact that I was having to deal with this shit when I should have been watching to make sure Kami was okay down there, surrounded by all manner of assholes. By the end of it, though, Ky owned up to his mistakes. He apologized through a mouthful of blood and swore he would never do it again.

“No, you won’t,” I agreed, accepting the rag Matthews passed me and wiping the blood off my knuckles, my face … my damn shirt. Christ. Always with the shirts. Maybe I needed to start wearing an apron. “But you got something here. Under the right eye, it could be worth exploring.”
