Page 73 of Twisted Obsession

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Kami hissed through her teeth. “She did that to me once. I wouldn’t talk to her for a week. She never did it again.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Is that the trick?”

She shrugged as she moved to right her suitcase. “For you? Probably not. You’re the older brother. I think it’s like mandatory to harass you.”

I took the bag from her. “Lucky me.”

“Have you considered hiding your books?” she recommended as we started for the door.

“She’s like a ferret. She snoops through everything.”

Kami laughed, but the sound immediately died when something like realization widened her eyes. She spun andhurried back to where Kas and Sasha stood, lips pursed in amusement.

“Oh, remembered us, did you?” Sasha teased.

“It hurts being forgotten over a dead tree,” Kas added as Kami rushed to embrace them both, apologizing.

They agreed to meet up for dinner later that evening and Sasha asked if they wanted to catch a cab together on Wednesday.

“I’m working until five but need to go home to change first,” Kami said.

“I’m looking over some case files for my dad. I probably won’t be ready until at least seven,” Kas added.

“So, let’s say eight?” Sasha hedged.

“Nine might be better,” Kami murmured, and Kas nodded.

They hugged again and Kami hurried back to me, her smile an addictive curve across her lips.

God, what I wouldn’t have given to taste it off her, to hook her center with my arm, fold her into my heat and dip my tongue into her mouth.


We had nine uninterrupted hours all to ourselves in an isolated car with a privacy window and tinted glass. I had a lot of ideas to pass the time. She would be naked for the majority of it, and I would get my fill of her before reality took her from me permanently.

Juan, a long-time driver of my father’s inclined his dark head when I approached with Kami’s single suitcase. He accepted the bag and offered me the black tote he held in a swap.

“Welcome back, sir,” he murmured in his gruff accent.

I thanked him, asked him about his wife and kid.

“Still making me old.” But the grin on his face was all love.

I told him to give Barbara and the girls my best and turned to Kami who peered up at me with the sun illuminating the goldin her eyes. I opened the back door and let her slide into the soft leather before shutting it and making my way to the other side.

The moment I was in, the door closed behind me, her chin was in my hand and her lips were under mine in a claiming, consuming lock. Her hair twisted through my fingers, caging her to me until I was satisfied.

“Take off your panties, kitten.”

My little temptress never batted an eye, nor did she glance away when dragging up the hem of her dress and hooking her fingers into the elastic band on her cotton underwear. They were freed down her legs and tucked in her purse.

I bit back my amusement as I reached across her and slid her belt into place across her lap.

“Where’s you book?” It was pulled from her bag and held up for me to see. “Read.”

I knew she didn’t need to be told twice. It was flipped open, and she immediately dropped into it.

I watched her, studying her focus and clarity with an application I missed. A pack of elephants could have stampeded past the car, and she would never have noticed. Part of me wished I had that kind of single-minded focus, but we were trained from birth to notice everything, to be hyper vigilant of our surroundings. Getting caught up in a book as profoundly as Kami would get us killed. But I knew I would never allow for her to lose that innocence, that absolute trust. I would make sure she never had to look over her shoulder.
