Page 5 of The Wolf

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“None of what?” I pouted.

“Are we having a pity party, or are we gonna grab life by its sequined skirt and dance like no one is watching, or maybe like a particular someone is watching…?” Darien quipped with his signature sassy grin and a bold, knowing wink.

“Kane might as well be off-limits. Darien, you know the rules.” I sighed, watching his reflection in the mirror as I fidgeted with my own lacey see-through costume.

He rolled his eyes dramatically. “Rules, rules, rules. Sweetie, let’s talk about what those rules have ever done for us, besides being a buzzkill. We’re here to provide a fantasy, and your dancing makes every dick in this place rock-hard,especiallyhis, and you know it.”

I chuckled despite myself, his energy infectious even in my moments of doubt. Even though I didn’t want to, I found myself smiling and laughing along with him.

“You’re one-of-a-kind, Dare.”

“Damn right, and so are you,” he shot back, his voice dripping with sincerity. “Kane Lockhart may look like he stepped out of a billboard, but he’s nothing more than a puzzle, babe. And you, my dear, have the power to completely unravel him.”

“But what if I’m just another dancer to him?” I glanced at my reflection, meeting my own eyes in the mirror.

“Oh, Lexie, you sweet,sweetsummer child. You’re not just ‘another dancer.’ You’re a temptress, a seductress, an absolute goddess of desire. And honey, I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He wants that sweet little ass of yours, and he couldn’t hide it even if he tried.” Darien said, his laughter tinkling like a melody.

“You always know how to boost my ego, don’t you?” I sighed again.

“Someone’s gotta remind you that you’re fierce as hell, bitch,” he said, a touch of seriousness in his voice. “Now, go dance your little heart out. Show him that Lexie fire, and let the rules be damned. Go get that dick.”

“Thanks, Darien. I needed that pep talk.”

“Anytime, hun. Now, go work your magic out there,” he said with a grin.

“Break a leg tonight, superstar. Wish I could be there with you,” I exclaimed. We shared a smile, a silent exchange of support and friendship. He was my best friend, and I would always be there for him in the same way he was for me.

“Laters, babe,” he smirked, winking with our little inside joke.

“Laters,” I replied.

Leaving the dressing room, I stepped into the dimly lit corridor that led to the stage. The energy that radiated within the club was electric tonight. With each step, my heart quickened, echoing the cadence of the music that thrummed beyond the curtain.

As the spotlight’s glow washed over me, I stood at the precipice of the stage, feeling the familiar shiver of excitement and nerves cascade down my spine. With Darien’s words echoing in my mind, I took that first step, embracing the role of the temptress, the storyteller, and the sheer embodiment of the male fantasy just like he had suggested. The music began to cast its spell over me, and I moved to its rhythm, throwing aside the rules and restrictions, and allowing my body to express the unspoken desires that pulsed through the air.

The desire for that single man waiting for you in the corner.

I met the gazes of all the men, and somewhere in the dimly lit room, I caught a flash of Kane’s dark gaze. His eyes held a mixture of intrigue and restraint, as if he battled his own desires while watching me dance.

Using my body, I sent him my own message through the unspoken language of dance, daring him to step into my world, where fantasies intertwined, and rules were meant to be broken.

After my stage dance, I took to the floor, making my rounds and attending to some of the other regulars within the club first. I didn’t go to him right away, instead choosing to prolong the night and build the tension between us that much more.

You want him to watch you.

I couldn’t shake the sensation of his gaze upon me. It was as if an invisible thread connected us, drawing his eyes to every twist of my body, every arch of my back as I danced for other men right in front of him. With each moment I delayed going to him, I felt an undercurrent of desire that flowed between us like the rising tide.

It was undeniable.

When I finally made my way over to him at last, the hunger in his eyes was unquestionable. In that moment, the room around us seemed to fade, leaving only him and me in a world where anticipation crackled like static in the air.

The moment hung suspended between us as his hungry gaze met mine. The music’s sultry beat pulsed through the air, and without a word, he extended his hand, a silent request that I felt in the depths of my being. With a breathless nod, I accepted his unspoken invitation, and his fingers closed around mine, sending a jolt of anticipation up my arm.

He didn’t need to ask me to dance. I knew what he wanted.

As I started to move for him, the world around us seemed to narrow. The seductive sway of my hips, the fluidity of my movements—it was a performance meant for his eyes alone. With every look he bestowed upon me, the ravenous glint in his gaze intensified, a flame that ignited my own longing and made it so overwhelming that I was soon breathless with it.

The climax of the dance drew near, the charged air heavy with the unspoken tension between us. He leaned in, his lips tantalizingly close to mine.
