Page 18 of The Long Haul

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“Going the extra mile for your guests. Must be that Southern hospitality you hear so much about.”

I shift on my feet, angling my body a little closer to hers. “Tell me you know it’s more than that.” For some reason, I can see her shutting down. “Don’t lie to either of us,” I softly plead. “Not about this.”

She doesn’t give me the words I want, need, to hear. What she does is show me by wrapping her arms around me and pulling my mouth to hers. Annnnd that just might be better.

Moving us inside the room she’s using, I shut the door. Not because I expect more to happen, though I wouldn’t be opposed to it if we were anywhere else but my parents’ house. I do it for the privacy it allows us.

“Carson,” she moans as I rain kisses on her nose, lips, cheeks, and neck.

“Shh,” I playfully tease her. “I don’t want to miss a spot.” I stare at her skin, tapping my chin in a ‘I’m thinking’ gesture. “Now I gotta start over. I don’t remember where I was.”

“Right about here,” she informs me, tapping the area where her shoulder and neck meet.

“I do love a woman that’s detail oriented.” I swear I feel her breathing catch at my proclamation, yet she doesn’t outwardly react. Neither of us move, my fearing I went too far too fast and her…I don’t know.

When she doesn’t push me away or demand I leave, I resume my important task of tasting her skin.

Damon hollers as he rattles the door with a fist. “You coming or what?”

“Not anymore,” I mutter, making Aubrey giggle.

“Do you have a pen?” She randomly wants to know.


“I need to cross him off my gift list.”

“I heard that,” Damon informs Aubrey. “It’s not fair to pick favorites.”

Opening the door, she sticks her tongue out at him and says, “Tough tooties.””

“She was the best character on The Facts of Life,” Damon exclaims.

Smacking him upside his head, I point out, “Tooties. Not Tootie.”

“I’m just glad he didn’t think I said titties,” Aubrey deadpans in a mock whisper.

“You’re a delight,” Damon compliments her.

Putting my arm around her and smushing her against my side, I warn him, “Get your own woman.”

What the heck is wrong with my mouth today? Usually it’s Damon that has no filter. It’s as if mine, at least the one from my heart to my lips, is on the fritz.

“This one is taken,” Aubrey adds, surprising all three of us.

“Claim on,” I encourage her, taking her hand and leading her from the room. Damon is gaping at us as we walk past him, but when I look back, he’s giving me a thumbs up.

I knew my family liked her, yet getting visual confirmation means a lot to me.

Maybe there’s something to Vincent’s preference of seeing to believe and understand.

For example, I know Aubrey feels our connection, though she hasn’t truly said so. However, when she kisses me, when she snuggles into me, when she smiles at me, when she lets me hold her hand…

Those actions just might say so much more than words ever could.

Chapter Five

