Page 19 of The Long Haul

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December 25th…

Technically, since it’s after midnight, it’s now Christmas.

Aubrey and I spent a couple hours at various stores the other day as she wanted to get gifts for everyone. I’d helped her when it came to choosing between two different options, but the possibilities were all hers.

She’s come to know my family well and picked perfectly for each member.

No, I don’t know what she purchased for me. I’m not sure if she knew ahead of time or narrowed it down as we were shopping because she didn’t have any tells as we were out that I could find.

And believe me, I’d watched for them.

Granted, I just plain watched her, but I can multitask.

When we’d gotten back, Aubrey insisted she carry the bags as she didn’t trust me not to sneak a peek for mine.

She was right to be leery. I would have.

It’s a well-known fact amongst the others that they have to hide mine lest I find them. It’s become more of a game at this point. Leaving empty boxes making me think I’ve won.

Only to open a beautifully wrapped package, addressed to me, to discover a note inside with variations of taunts.



“You’ll never find it.”

“You do remember you’re the oldest, right?”

“Haven’t you outgrown this yet?”

The last is from my dad, I know it. I just can’t prove it.

They’re all smart, printing the notes instead of handwriting them.


Fun ruiners.

While we were alone, Aubrey and I in our own little world despite being surrounded by other last minute shoppers, we held hands. Chatted about our daily lives. Our future goals.

The only thing we didn’t was us. We skirted around the topic, alluding to there even being an us, but never landing on it.

By the end of the night, I wasn’t a hundred percent sure where I stood with Aubrey. An unknown that still has me all twisted up inside.

I barely ate at dinner earlier, an anomaly that had everyone eyeing me with concern. Which increased exponentially when I declined dessert.

Can’t really blame them as itwaskey lime. My favorite.

I’ve been tossing and turning for the last hour. Don’t call me out on that. The first four I was twitchy. The fifth I was pacing. The current, and sixth, tossing and turning.

A knock at my door has me thankful for the interruption.

Seeing the reason for my unease standing there? I’m suddenly wide awake and ready to take on any foe.

Because she came to me.

Aubrey soughtmeout.
