Page 65 of Jester

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At first, I’m sure my feelings mimic what happened with Hope last year. Once I saw that young woman in what was hell on earth, I couldn’t leave her side until I knew she was safe at the Sanctuary. I felt like it was my duty to keep watch over her.

Now, Hope has settled into the Sanctuary. She lives comfortably with Ghost and Luca. She’s adopted a cat. I see her sitting in her front lawn sometimes, reading books or enjoying the sunlight.

I wish I could say my urge to remain at the clinic this time is as noble. The reality is I’m infected with a possessive need to see Celine. When I see her, I want to talk to her. When we speak, I get the urge to touch her.

There’s nothing righteous about my interest in that abused, fearful woman. I hate myself for succumbing to these feelings. I ought to leave and give her space. Just check in with her occasionally until she’s settled at the Sanctuary. That’s the normal response to romantic interest.

Yet, every time I walk out the clinic’s front door, I get stuck. I consider how I’ll feel when she isn’t nearby. I fight with the image of another guy swooping in when I’m not around.

The Dolls are beautiful, young women. With a surplus of single guys at the Sanctuary, there’s bound to be love matches. That’s how it always goes.

Except I can’t tolerate anyone else laying a claim on Celine’s heart.

I know I’m being an asshole. The woman’s been free from her life as a sex slave for less than twenty-four hours. The last thing she needs is a bruiser like me playing Romeo.

Once again, I talk myself into walking to the door. I don’t have a ride back to the Sanctuary, but I can likely hitch one. Or just call for a pity ride. It’ll be fine. All I have to do is leave the Refuge Clinic and allow Celine to build a life filled with freedom and her sister.

I’m stuck in my spot when I notice movement to my left near the patient rooms. I expect to see a doctor or nurse. Instead, Celine shuffles closer, wearing a new outfit.

Her black sweatpants are replaced by a looser version with Tweety Birds. Instead of a T-shirt, she wears a baggy Mickey Mouse hoodie. Her flip-flops are replaced by socks. It’s like she went from summer to winter wear while in the other room.

Her damp hair is brushed back. Her beautiful face is free of makeup. All the cheerleader crap is gone.

When Celine stares at me, I step back and close the clinic’s door.

“Do you need something?” I ask as she stands in the hallway.

Playing with the sleeves on her hoodie, she shrugs. When I don’t say anything, she shuffles closer.

“Where did everyone go?” Celine finally asks.

I explain the basics of everyone’s location while she stares at me. I don’t think Celine gives a crap where the staff or even Luca went. The way she watches at me leaves my heart racing and my fingers dying to get a touch.

“I did all the tests,” Celine says, inching closer. “The doctor says I’m okay. The head doctor explained how I might feel over the next few days. Everything is done. Can I see Giselle? I won’t let her see me. I just want to see her alive.”

“Are you cold?” I ask while pulling out my phone. “You’re wearing a sweater.”

“I’m allowed to cover up here,” she says and then mumbles, “I’m always cold.”

When I offer her a grin, Celine’s expression brightens. I realize maybe I’m not reading things wrong. There could be something between us besides me obsessing over a former sex slave.

I text Apex to see if Giselle wants to meet her sister.

“No,” he replies instantly.

I’m in the process of texting Ghost for backup when Apex replies with, “Is she a bitch?”

“No, she’s like a slightly taller version of Giselle.”

“No wonder you’re horn-dogging her, then, man.”

I frown at my phone, hating how Ghost is out there gossiping about me. On the other hand, I guess I should be relieved he’s now capable of pulling his head out of his own ass long enough to notice other people exist. Luca’s been a good influence on him.

“Bring her over for dinner,” Apex types, and his irritation comes through his words. “Giselle’s all excited over meeting her now.”

I shove my phone back in my pocket and smile at Celine. She immediately mimics the gesture.

“You only have to smile if you want. I won’t be mad if you’re in a bad mood.”
