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"There is so much of it," Tiearan breathed. "How did this happen?"

"You're the one in charge; I expect you to find answers to this," Corent grumbled. "If Mother Rose hadn't come, we would have faced a more serious problem. I don't think the Queen would be happy to see this so soon after the attack."

"Then I am thankful this was a problem we could deal with ourselves," Tiearan sighed and focused his power on the crystal globe he held. It took nearly half an hour to get rid of the poison weed, roots and all. Corent and Tiearan then went to visit Mother Fern and used even more power to eliminate any signs of the plant from the shovel and the clay Toff had brought to her.

* * *

"You'll stay home for two days and then Mother Rose will check on your rash before allowing you to go back to school or to Mother Fern's," Redbird set breakfast in front of Toff. Corent was already eating.

"Son, we've always gotten rid of the poison weed wherever we were, so I never thought to teach you everything about it. All of it is poison, not just the leaves and vines. It is dangerous to burn it, too, so never try that. It can make you extremely ill if you breathe any of the smoke."

"I'll remember." Toff would certainly remember. After he'd dropped the clay off with Mother Fern, the itching had become unbearable until he was nearly crazy with it by the time he'd gotten home the day before. He'd barely had time to slip the jeweled necklace off and shove it in his trouser pocket before his foster-father found him in the washroom, scratching and trying to scrub his skin. Corent recognized the rash and called for help immediately. Toff had been saved from a terrible and worsening rash due to Corent's swift action.

He hadn't forgotten Tiearan's and Corent's words from the evening before, either. Someone had deliberately placed that plant inside the boundary. More than likely, they'd put it right where Toff would come in contact with it. It made Toff angry, but there wasn't anything he could do about it.

Toff had gotten his necklace out of his trousers, too and slipped it under his pillow. He didn't want Redbird finding it when she washed his clothing. Toff wouldn't be able to wear it again until Mother Rose was done checking on him. The rash had spread to his chest area and she looked at that along with his hands, arms and face. He was glad he didn't have to go out of the house until the necklace was safely around his neck again.

Toff's thoughts often wandered to the girl who'd given it to him. None of the others his age or close to his age, even, had shown any concern for his welfare. Ever. But three strangers had shown up from nowhere, listened to him and then offered what protection they could. Toff sighed at the complexities of his life.

* * *

"Your mother didn't want you to see this, but your fathers thought you should come." Drake and Drew weren't having Ry and Tory practice with them, today. They were going to witness the final judgment against the two in the dungeon. Ry and Tory were never invited inside the Council Chamber, which was large enough to house the three hundred ten members of the Council plus assistants and others necessary to conduct meetings. It could hold six hundred easily, and if you walked into it while it was empty, it echoed.

Ry and Tory followed Drake and Drew, who were dressed in full battle gear—black leathers and two blades crossed over each back. They caught up with Gavin and Tony, who were clothed in the formal palace uniforms of black with silver trim. Their uncles were representing the Queen's Palace Guards and the Queen's army at the proceedings.

"Sit here," Uncle Drake led them to seats in the gallery in the back. The seats were raised so anyone sitting there could see the entire Council. A set of steps led up to the balcony. Ry turned in his seat to watch the vid crew setting up in a similar gallery on the opposite wall. All the Council meetings were recorded and some were broadcast live, not just to Le-Ath Veronis but to other Alliance worlds as well.

"Look!" Tory hissed in Ry's ear, bringing his brother around quickly. Ry drew in a sharp breath. Wlodek, Adam and Merrill had come. Neither Tory nor Ry could sufficiently describe the race to which those three belonged. Their mother often said that knowledge of their race protected itself and none could speak of it unless they had permission.

Ry had firsthand experience with that—he'd tried and failed. His mother also said that this particular race was the smallest race—in numbers, anyway—that existed. Uncles Drake, Drew, Winkler, Gavin, Tony and Karzac all had ties to that race. That still didn't give Ry or Tory permission to speak of it. Not even a little. They could discuss it with each other, but not with outsiders. Their words would be held back by some sort of invisible shield. They'd learned to live with it.

"Why do you think they've come?" Ry whispered. Tory just shook his head. They sat and watched as the Council gathered and took their seats. Their mother came in, flanked by Tory's father and Uncle Rigo. Aurelius and Uncle Aryn, who served as the Queen's personal advisors, were already there and waiting for the Queen to be seated.

Erland slipped in and sat next to the boys before the sentencing began. His father's face looked grim, Ry thought. The prisoners were brought in next and then the palace guards led in the prisoners' parents. Both young offenders looked pale.

"We are here to pass sentence upon Haldis and Sark of the Green Fae village," Aurelius made the announcement after the prisoners came to stand before the Queen and the others who stood with her. Aurelius shook his shoulder-length, dark-gold hair back as he read the charges off the comp-vid in his hand. Those charges included attempted murder, assault and conspiracy. "You have been sentenced to the prison planet of Evensun. You may make a short statement, if you wish." Aurelius stepped back after announcing their punishment.

"The stupid little eunuch should have died," the one called Haldis snapped. He sounded close to tears. Ry exchanged a glance with Tory.

"He is not a eunuch." Their mother spoke for the first time. "That is how his race is. If you'd bothered to do any research, you could have found this out for yourself." The Queen was upset and angry, Ry and Tory could tell, as were their fathers and uncles. The Queen's voice was even, though, so only those close to her might be able to tell how upset she really was. "Is that why you did this? You didn't think he was whole?"

Neither of the boys spoke, now. "If there are no other statements?" Aurelius spoke again. "The parents of the accused wish to accompany their children to Evensun. They have signed waivers to this effect, and those are on file for public perusal," Aurelius went on. "This business of the High Council upon Le-Ath Veronis is now concluded. The prisoners will be transported to the space station and taken from there to Evensun. The Queen and the Council's word is law."
