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Tandias didn't mind devouring the wealthy—they generally furnished a more nourishing meal than the poor or homeless. These three would provide adequately for him. "This car is reserved and off-limits," one of the men snapped as Tandias stepped inside the luxury compartment.

"Excellent," Tandias smiled hungrily, revealing many, pointed teeth.

* * *

Tory, Calebert says I might be elevated to Fifth-Tier soon, Nissa's mental voice was breathless when she replied. I'm sorry I blew you off earlier, but I was talking to Calebert. What's this about Toff's father?

Sissy, Trik helped us, and we found out that Roff is Toff's father.

Nissa, who was curled up on her bed with a comp-vid doing lessons, sat upright swiftly. What? she sent. Are you sure?

Yeah. There are only two comesuli families who are Infilathi—you know, the ones who will become Winged Vampires? Well, we did research, and Roff got staked by somebody who was trying to kill Mom around fifteen years ago. The dates match, Sissy. Toff's father is Roff. What we can't figure out is what else happened around that time. Ry and I are trying to figure everything out, and Trik is helping as much as he can, but he's with the Larentii right now. They're already working on his leg. Sissy, he gets better every day with his right hand and thanks to the Larentii, he'll be up and walking soon.

That's great. About Trik, I mean. What are we going to do about Toff? I don't want to keep the information from him, but what if it upsets him when we tell? And if we don't tell him, will he be mad at us because we knew and didn't tell him?

We've been trying to figure that out, too. I don't know what to do. Tory's mental moan was almost audible. He still thinks his father is dead. I think Toff needs to know that he's alive, at least. I'd want to know, if I thought my dad was dead.

Yeah, Nissa agreed. I'd want to know for sure. What do you think we should do? How should we tell him?

No idea.

* * *

Lissa's Journal

"Lissa, I need your help. Actually, I need your nose."

I stared at Norian in exasperation. "Norian," I gave him a sigh and a shake of my head. "If you think Gavin, Karzac, the twins or Winkler will let me go offworld, then you'd better think again."

"I don't need your power, just your nose," Norian whined.

"Why?" I lifted an eyebrow at him. I could Look for the information, but truthfully, I wasn't feeling well. Breakfast was two hours earlier and looked to make its reappearance at any moment. I had a Council meeting in the afternoon, too, to determine the fate of my homicidal grandmother. Evensun was likely in her future and I didn't plan to stop it. I might abstain, but that's it. She'd threatened Toff. Roff got upset every time he thought about it. Hell, I got upset every time I thought about it.

"I have three disappearances on Gloesse. Simultaneous disappearances. All three of them high-level scientists who worked for Schuul Enterprises. I have records where they boarded the train, and vids show them entering their private compartment, but not exiting it. Those private compartments don't have vid-cameras inside—for obvious reasons."

"They just vanished?" My queasiness was ramping up as I moved my foot around to locate the wastebasket beneath my desk. Hooking an ankle around it, I pulled it forward, positioning it for an easy catch.

"Yes. Dantel Schuul is crying foul and demanding the ASD get involved. You're still my Liaison. Even if you are pregnant."

"Call Winkler, he's the one least likely to remove your head when I ask him to transport us," I said, before bending over and heaving into my designer trash can.

* * *

"Lissa, are you sure?" Winkler's dark eyes raked my face. Even after cleaning myself up and convincing Norian to get rid of the wastebasket, Winkler still knew I'd been sick. Werewolves and their freaking sensitive noses.

"Just get us to Gloesse, Winkler. Norian won't shut up about this until I sniff around." I ruined my tough-girl stance by leaning my forehead against Winkler's shoulder. I can't say for sure, but I imagine he was glaring at Norian across the top of my head. Winkler's arms went around me while he kissed my hair. He ruined the tender moment by growling at Norian Keef, who'd taken a step toward us.

"Just get us there, werewolf. The sooner we go, the faster we return," Norian hissed. I considered kicking his snaky ass the next time I wasn't pregnant. Winkler growled again and folded space.

* * *

"Ra'Ak," I snapped two seconds after Norian led us onto the detached private compartment. If Winkler had been wolf, I imagine his hackles would be bristling. Norian settled for staring at me. "Look, there's room enough for a Ra'Ak to turn here, if he coiled himself up," I pointed out. The compartment was a luxury compartment, and larger than an old Pullman car. "Schuul Enterprises must be doing well if they can afford this kind of transportation for their scientists."

"They are," Norian grumped. "What are we supposed to do now?" He raked fingers through his hair in frustration. "We have a rogue Ra'Ak eating important Alliance researchers and my weapon against them is pregnant and helpless."

"Say that again, Keef, and I'll put you through that window over there," Winkler said. The growl that came with his words told both of us the werewolf was prepared to show up.

"Norian, what the hell would you do if you didn't have me as your weapon, as you so romantically put it?" I wasn't happy with him either, and he was just getting that idea. "Honestly, you put your f**king job ahead of people. Every. Single. Time." Yeah, the pregnancy hormones were showing up. Big time.

"Keef, I think I'll take Lissa back to Le-Ath Veronis. You can find your own way back," Winkler muttered.

"No, wait. I didn't mean it like that," Norian was suddenly apologetic. I imagine it was because he didn't look forward to finding traditional passage back to headquarters, which was on Le-Ath Veronis. Sometimes, I wanted to show up at Ildevar Wyyld's palace and ask him what the f**k he thought he was doing, dumping the entire ASD in my lap. Of course, he probably didn't think I'd ever end up pregnant either, so I might consider yelling at him only half as long as I originally intended.

"Norian, if this is your baby, I swear I'll punch you in the face," I snapped.

"Breah-mul, you can't mean that," he whined. Winkler didn't waste any time, and he was gracious enough to haul me (and Norian) back to Le-Ath Veronis.

* * *

"Mom's glaring at Uncle Norian," Ry nudged Tory with his elbow.

Hey, she can probably hear you. I've been studying vampires on my comp-vid, Trik sent.
