Page 57 of Love’s Redemption

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His angel needed the others’ support because of the beating he’d taken in the ring. This was all Daniel’s fault. How had he let his sweet angel get hurt? He had to do something!

Mr. Troy stepped out of the shadow of the hallway. Bull, Sabre, and two more guards blocked their way. Boss man smiled, but Daniel had no doubt they all felt the menace behind it.

“Well done, Theo.” Mr. Troy clapped Theo’s shoulder and ignored his wince of pain. Daniel nearly growled aloud at the idiot. “Rest up. I want you back here Saturday night for the main event.”

“What?” they all exclaimed.

“No!” Daniel shouted. “Can’t you see he’s hurt?”

Troy pushed past Theo and the others, forcing Daniel to stumble back, away from those who might protect. The twisted tumbles of his stomach intensified as rank fear rose to the surface.

“You dare defy me,” he sneered, his voice pitched so low Daniel had to strain to hear him. “What would your sister say?”

Ice slithered down Daniel’s spine. He said nothing as Troy blew him a kiss and walked off, followed by his goons. Only Sabre paused beside him, squeezing his arm gently in a show of caring, before he, too, left Daniel quaking in his shoes.


Heavens… If not for Sy and El there at the end, Theo wasn’t sure he would pull off the win. Each blow Demon connected with had sent shock waves of pain through his body. Any damage Father may have healed felt twice as bruised. He coughed, trying to catch his breath, but it hurt to breathe.

“Let’s get him to the locker room,” Walt ordered. “Glen will check him over.”

As his friends helped him from the ring, Daniel hovered nearby. His mate looked afraid to touch him. He couldn’t have that, but he also didn’t feel like he could reach for Daniel at the moment. Not with the way everything hurt.

They slowly made their way along the pathway leading to the locker room. Theo nearly moaned in relief when they hit the hallway, knowing how close they were to allowing him to sit down. Sy’s and El’s sudden stop, though, jarred him, and he let out an undignified weep of pain.

Troy slithered from the shadows, flanked by four of his men. “Well done, Theo.” He leaned forward and slammed his palm on Theo’s shoulder. Theo tried to stifle his cry of pain but failed; a whimper escaped. He took the split-second opportunity to peek at the men around Troy, spying Sabre, who was the only one who seemed sympathetic. “Rest up. I want you back here Saturday night for the main event.”

“What?” he said, the surprise echoed all around him.

“No!” Daniel shouted from the back of their group. “Can’t you see he’s hurt?”

Troytsked as he shoved between Theo and El, making a beeline for Daniel. “Turn,” he hissed at Sy. But by the time Sy had him turned around, Troy was already moving on and Daniel was white as a sheet.

“El,” he whispered.

“I’ve got him. Sy, get Theo into the locker room.”

Theo let Sy and Walt help him along once El had Daniel under his figurative wing. Glen held open the door until they’d all filed inside. Theo didn’t need to be told where to go. Thankfully, Sy didn’t drop him into a chair. Instead, he eased him onto the padded table.

“I see Demon did his usual damage. You’re lucky. Most of his opponents end up on their way to the hospital.” He poked and prodded as gently as he could while directing Sy to wash the cuts with saline.

Theo clamped his teeth together, trying to hold back any sounds. He hurt… Heavens, he hurt. He’d gotten cut and stabbed numerous times over the centuries and had never felt pain like this. Why now did he hurt worse?

“Human body,” Sy whispered, tapping Theo’s fist. “Relax if you can. It’ll help, and I’ll do what I can, too.” He wrapped his fingers around Theo’s wrist and healing heat entered his body, flowing along with his blood from hand to elbow to shoulder. The pain in his chest eased and his breathing became easier. “There you go. Steady breaths. Deep breath in, then slowly blow out the pain. Good.”

“Is he going to be okay?” Daniel whispered as if any loud noise might hurt Theo more.

Glen hummed as he continued to press carefully along Theo’s ribcage. “Yes, if he rests and lets these bruises heal. I don’t think anything’s broken, but without an X-ray, I can’t tell for sure. Theo, if you want to take a shower, when you come out, I’ll put fresh dressings on those cuts.”

“Good plan, Doc,” Theo said, lifting his arms in a silent plea for help. Sy and El each took hold of a forearm, and with a hand on his back, got him upright and standing. He reached for Daniel. “Help me in the shower?”

“Whatever you need,” Daniel replied, standing beside him and putting an arm around his waist. In the shower area, he let go, leaving Theo to stand awkwardly while he got the water going.

Theo ran a hand down his bruised and aching side, frustration eating an angry hole in his chest that he needed help with something so basic as walking from one room to another. He felt… weak. Physically and emotionally. How? Why now?

You used a lot of energy in that fight. I was very impressed. You fought well. You won, but winning takes its toll.Father paused.I’m taking your advice.

“My advice?” Theo whispered, mindful that Daniel could return at any moment.
