Page 13 of Drench My Halls

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“Hi.” She waves to me as Caleb gets into the car, next to me.


I reply as I stare out the window. I can’t help but smile at the fact that I know how she looks naked, how she fucks, and what she is willing to do. Caleb puts his arm around the back seat which makes his shirt rise up, showing off his V and happy trail. I adjust myself in my seat as I try to keep my focus off of him. He is on a date for Christ sake. I wanted to get away from him, but apparently Madison is one of his best friends, so I am the fifth wheel in this car. Madison brought Connor who can’t keep his hands off her, Caleb brought pool girl and I am solo.

After thirty minutes in the car, we pull into a parking lot that is packed. There are people sitting on their car hoods, making out, people smoking and people waiting in line. Connor opens the door for us, and we all walk up to the line. All eyes are on us as we wait at the back of the line. I suddenly want to hide under a rock when women continue to look back at me and then whisper into their friend’s ears, causing them to look back at me too.

“Oh, my god.”

A girl squeals as she runs towards us. Caleb immediately holds out his hand, trying to keep them out of my personal space.

“You’re Julia Harrington, right? The Julia Harrington that wrote Down Deep?” She smiles.

She looks like she is about to pass out.

“Yes I am.”

“Ahhhh oh my god. Can I please get a picture with you?”

I nod my head and turn towards her camera. The flash is bright, I have to blink repeatedly to clear my vision.

“Your books are so amazing, all the sex, the drama, you keep my book club on edge and then leave us fully satisfied.” The way she says that makes everyone giggle. “That sounded sexual, didn’t it?” She blushes.

I grab her hand, “It did but we all know what those hangovers are like.” I wink at her, and she once again smiles as she waves goodbye.

“She’s a romance author?” Pool girl points at me. Caleb nudges her.


Oh, Sabrina is the pool girl’s name.

“It’s okay, yes I write romance novels, no big deal.”

“Says the woman who has been on the USA Today’s Best sellers list all year.” Caleb blurts out.

Him knowing that information only confirms he has looked me up, that he is thinking about me when he shouldn’t be. I ignore the rest of the bickering as we enter the club. I just want to let loose and have fun. Madison grabs my arm as soon as we see the bar.

“Can we get two shots please?”

She holds up two fingers as the music blares through the air. It’s suffocating in here. I already feel sweat seeping from my pores.

“Oh, hottie checking you out, 1 o’clock.” I tilt my head slightly as if I have a sore neck and spot him. I down the shot and make my way over to him. This is it. I am going to be fearless.

“Okay, I’ll be over here if you need me.” Madison calls out but I have one thing on my mind. Dancing.

“Want to dance?”

I grab his arm, pulling him to the dance floor. His hands immediately grab a hold of my waist as I sway to the music. He is tall, dark and handsome. His hands grip me tighter as he pushes my head down making me touch my toes as I wiggle my ass in his crotch. He pulls me back up and turns me around. I place my arms around his neck as we continue to dance.

“You are fucking gorgeous.” He whispers into my ear.

“Thank you.”

He leans in to kiss me and I allow it. His lips press against mine and before I can even part my mouth his tongue is poking my lips. I open my mouth slightly and his tongue is battling my tongue that hasn’t even moved yet. I pull back from him.

“I’m sorry I have to go.”

I squeeze my way through the crowd and spot our group in the corner.
