Page 26 of Drench My Halls

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“What do you mean?” I try to play it cool, but she squints her eyes.

“He was walking out of your house at 7 am on a Monday, buttoning up his pants. Oh, come on Julia, give me the juicy details.”

She begs. Literally her hands are pressed together as the tips of her fingers rest under her chin as she pouts.

“Fine, we had sex last night. No big deal.” I pick up my plate, scrapping the leftovers into the garbage can.

“No, that’s a huge deal. He’s your first since your divorce.” She turns in her chair. Her smile is contagious. I can’t help but smile back.

“I know and it was fucking amazing, but that’s all it was, sex.”

“I call bullshit. No one has sex with Caleb Taylor and it’s just sex to them.” She gets up and flings her plate into the sink.

“Madison, be careful.” I check the dishes as I would hate for one of my grandmother’s plates to be ruined.

“Admit it, you like him. Like you really really like him. Just say it, no one here would judge you. Ali wouldn’t judge you. She wanted you to meet him a long time ago.”

I shake my head, not believing a word she says.

“Why do you think she always used to send you invitations to the town’s events? It was to set you up with Caleb. Come on, he is perfect for you.”

“He doesn’t do relationships Madison, remember?” I hold out my arms, waiting for her to give me more useless advice. She rolls her eyes not believing a word I say. I don’t believe a word I am saying either. It didn’t feel like just sex, it felt like much more.

“We are just friends, who fucked once, and will cook dinner on Wednesday. That’s it. I am not ready for another relationship. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.”

I dismiss myself as I run from the endless questions in Madison’s eyes. I need to sort out these sudden feelings I am feeling and fast.

Wednesday comes around fast as time moves quickly when you are focused on nothing but work. I wake up to check the mail and notice a dozen roses on my porch. The roses are beautiful, each petal a vibrant red, the green leaves thriving, and a glass vase filled with black stones. There is a note attached.

I look forward to dinner tonight. -Caleb

Ismile as I bring the flowers inside and set them on my dining table. The idea of a man like Caleb showing a softer side brings butterflies to my stomach. I don’t know what I am doing with him, but I have the need to make sure I look my best. If I am going to keep seeing him, casually, I always want to look my best.

Today’s weather report indicates it will be a cold 50 degrees with a low 43 degrees. So, I button up before I head out to the salon. My hair is in desperate need of a deep conditioning and trim. I also want to get a manicure, treat my typing fingers to some massage and cuticle treatment.

“Want to get our nails done?”

I walk into the office. Madison is sorting through fan mail. She looks up from the pile of envelopes and holds up her over-grown acrylic nails.

“Yes please.” She smiles as she grabs her purse and follows me out the door.

“So, are you excited for your date tonight?” She keeps her eyes on the road as we pull onto Main Street.

I haven’t been down main street yet, with all the writing I have been doing, I don’t have much time to explore Everwood.

“It’s not a date Madison. It’s just dinner.”

“Right, because friends leave flowers at someone’s door before their dinner plans.”

I turn to her, my eyes squinted, “They should. Its polite.”

“God, please tell me you aren’t that delusional to think that Caleb Taylor, isn’t trying to court you?”

The fact that she always addresses him using his first and last name is creepy. Like he is some hot commodity in this town. I sigh as we pull into the parking lot. Luscious Locks was the only town hair and nail salon that I could find. The reviews were great, so I figured why not keep my money in the community instead of flying my hairstylist out here.

“Julia. Caleb really likes you. He never likes anyone, not since Lucy.”

I stop walking, just hearing her name brings sadness to my heart. I place my hand on her hood and close my eyes for a moment.

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