Page 29 of Drench My Halls

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“Who the fuck is this?” Daniel questions as he perches his forearm against the door frame, still shielding me from entering.

“I’m the guy that wouldn’t cheat or hit his wife and break her heart that’s who the fuck I am.” I step closer to him. I can feel my veins running hot against my skin.

“Stop, Caleb.” She touches my chest, and I can feel her warmth against me. I look into her eyes, and I can see sorrow in those beautiful blues.

“Go home.” She begs.

I squint my eyes, trying to find any sign that this isn’t happening, that she wants me to save her, but all I see is in her eyes. She has a glimmer of hope that maybe he will be different this time as she looks at him and then back to me. She is dreaming if she thinks this man wants anything more than a quick fuck.

“He won’t ever love you the way you deserve.” My finger is right in his face, but my eyes are locked on hers. I need her to see that she is making a mistake, if she lets him back in.

He swats my finger out of his face, “Man fuck you. You don’t know me.”

I laugh as I step back out of the doorway. She clutches her chest as she watches me.

“Oh, I know you. I was you, until I met her. Why be tied down to one woman when you can have them all right? Its why you fucked someone else, even though you had a beautiful, talented wife at home. You didn’t care that you were ripping her heart out. You just wanted some easy pussy. What happened, did your pussy run away? So, now you’re crawling back to the one woman who you know would never hurt you the way you hurt her?”

“That’s enough Caleb. Please.” Tears swell in her eyes as she begs me to leave once more.

My breathing is heavy, my chest tightens as my arms swing out to my sides as I continue to step back from her porch.

“Fuck me, right? Fuck me for even trying to give an ounce of me away. I would have given you the world.” She pushes past Daniel who just looks like a confused puppy at the pound.

“I never asked you to. I told you I wasn’t ready for anything.”

“You’re right. You never asked. You also didn’t tell me to stop, Julia.” I throw my hands up in the air, retreating.

I shake my head as I walk away into the darkness behind the trees. I slam my door and shut off all my lights. I don’t need anyone seeing the hurt in me.

I run down to my basement and scream out, letting my anger go, just like I do every time I feel overwhelmed. My heart is beating so fast. My mind is racing, wondering if they resumed whatever the fuck they were about to do or if she snapped out of her lust trip and kicked his ass out of her house. I never meant to grow feelings for her, I should have stayed away like I wanted to initially, but she sunk her claws in me. She obviously had no idea she was sending mixed signals.

I make my way to the balcony; not once do I look to my left. I stare up at the peaks in front of me, I can only see the shadows casted by the moon. I lean against the railing and sigh.

If you ever need me, just look over at the peaks and I’ll be there.

“Lucy, I am struggling. I wish you were here.”

The next morning, I wake up and make my morning coffee, grab my newspaper from the front porch and sit on the balcony sipping my coffee, and watch the sun rise above the peaks. I glance over to Julia’s balcony that has a view of her bedroom, the blinds have already opened up, but I see no movement in the house. I check my phone, no new messages. I finish my coffee and head down to the bar.

“The boss has returned. How was your date last night with Julia?”

I ignore Travis as I walk through the kitchen and lock myself in the office. The morning rush has the bar packed, orders of coffee, breakfast to go, and lunch orders are keeping us all busy.

“Hey Caleb.” Madison smiles as she approaches the bar. She has a winter coat on as she lugs around a suitcase.

“Can I get a Latte with extra sugar, please?” She smiles as she hands me $3.00.

I silently get her coffee and slide it over to her.

“Thank you.”

I nod.

“Are you okay?” She questions as her face scrunches up when I don’t respond.

“Did you know her ex-husband was in town?”

She looks around her as if she is making sure the “She” we speak of is not around.
