Page 28 of Drench My Halls

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He pulls her into him for a hug. She doesn’t stop him, but she also doesn’t wrap her arms around him either, yet it pisses me off.

“Can I come in? I would like to talk for a minute.”

She waves him in and my heart thuds against my chest. I drop the roses, my legs wanting to march up to her door and drag him out, but my head is telling me that would be a bad idea.


Realizing our date is probably not happening I head back to my house. When I close my door my phone chimes. I sigh as I know exactly what I am about to find as soon as I unlock my screen. My heart already knows it’s from Julia.

I inhale as my phone illuminates, unlocks, and pulls up the text.

I’m sorry, I need to cancel. Raincheck?

Sure, everything okay?

Yeah. Just something came up.

I throw my phone onto the couch. She couldn’t even tell me that he was here. I walk through the living room and into the kitchen to grab a drink. I pour some whiskey into a glass and step out onto my balcony.

From my balcony I can see parts of her living room and kitchen when the blinds are open. The lights are on in the living room and the dining room is dim with a light flickering, probably from candles. It warms my heart to know she tried to set the dining table with candles. But then I see him standing next to her in the living room. Her arms flail around as she talks and walks away from him. He reaches out to grab her, but misses. My fists clench as I watch.

Definitely a stalker now.

I can’t take my eyes off her. I can see her mouth moving, she is yelling at him, he is yelling back, rubbing his face, as he takes in her appearance. I can tell he is wishing he could fuck her right now. She looks amazing from what I can see.

He finds his opportunity to pull her into him. She tries to get out of his grip, but he holds her tight. She sighs and his nose presses against her cheek. Anger fills me. Jealousy rages through my veins. I don’t want anyone touching her, it physically pains me.

“You better fucking not.” I mumble to myself.

I will fucking strangle him if he even thinks of moving another inch. But he can’t hear me, and he crashes his lips against hers. She tries to deny it, she pushes against his chest, but he continues to kiss her. Next thing I know her lips are crashing against his. Her hands comb through his hair, his hands wrap around her waist, lifting her up and setting her on top of the counter.

My glass goes flying into the wall, shattering to pieces against the wood planks. My hand drags over my face as I watch him devour her mouth the same way I wanted to. She tilts her head back as his hands caress her body. I will fucking break his hands for touching her. That’s not his body to touch.

I shake my head,she’s not yours, she can fuck whoever she wants, you are not together.

I try to keep reminding myself, but the anger is too much. She is mine. She was mine the moment I saw her. When I look back at her kitchen window they are no longer on the counter. They disappeared. I look at each window, searching for a glimpse of her. The kitchen light shuts off, the bedroom light turns on seconds later.

Nope, that’s enough of this shit.

I rush through my house, running as fast as I can to her front door. I bang on the stupid black wood that separates me from her. I bang my fists against it hard, loud, over and over until the door flings open. Daniel has his shirt half open and panting.

“Can I help you?”

I shake my head.

“Julia.” I yell out.

He blocks me from entering the home. “She is busy right now. What do you need?”

“Julia.” I yell again.

I’m practically foaming out the mouth. I am pacing like an angered bull, if he doesn’t step out of the way, I will bulldoze right over him. Julia quickly exits her bedroom, her dress from earlier still on, as she fixes her hair.

“Caleb, what are you doing here?” She asks as if she can’t see why I would possibly want to stop whatever the fuck was just about to happen.

“Why the fuck is he here?” I point to the douchebag who is sizing me up.

If he fucking flinches wrong I’ll swing.

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