Page 40 of Drench My Halls

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Madison whines as she sits back down on the couch and opens a new bottle of wine.

“Thank you, baby.”

Caleb kisses me once more before he disappears into the kitchen. I need a moment to collect my thoughts, so I head outside, the fresh cold air filling my lungs as anxiety pours through my veins. The snow is falling, covering my head with white flakes as I stare into the foggy air.

“Are you okay?”

Travis walks out onto the balcony, lighting up a cigarette before joining me. He holds out the cigarette, but I shake my head.

“Yeah, I just have a lot going through my head.”

He nods as he inhales a drag and exhales the smoke from his lungs. It’s weird, I don’t smoke but I like the smell of a fresh cigarette.

“Do you love Caleb?”

My eyes widen at his question. The answer to this question has been on my mind lately.

“Caleb is such an amazing man…”

He interrupts me when he pulls his cigarette out his mouth.

“It’s a simple yes or no Julia.” He exhales the smoke from his lungs as he flicks ash over the railing.

“Is it though, Travis? When you have been through pain, is giving your heart away easy?”

My eyebrows rise up and my head swerves, my attitude seeping through.

“Love is painful. If it were easy, we wouldn’t want it. We have all been through shit. But my question still remains, do you love him? Because if you don’t, stop fucking his head up.”

Travis puts out his cigarette in the snow before flicking it off the balcony.

“I like you Julia, you are so good for him. I see the way he looks at you, I hear how he talks about you. He may not say it, but that man in there loves you.” He points to the kitchen. “He hasn’t looked at anyone the way he looks at you, not even Lucy.”

I clutch my chest.

How am I the special one to take a place higher than Lucy?

Why me?

I am broken.

I couldn’t even keep a husband from cheating on me. I was abused physically once although he would say it was an accident, but mentally for years. I was constantly called stupid, or useless when things didn’t go his way. Yet Caleb thinks everything I do is spectacular, special, beautiful.

Before I can even answer the brooding question, Caleb opens the door. Travis and I straighten up and focus our attention on Caleb.

“Madison is ready to play some games. You good?”

He focuses his attention on me as I look at Travis once more before responding, “Yeah.”



This Thanksgiving was eventful to say the least. Once things calmed down and my father left, we played games and drank until we all passed out in the living room. Waking up on the couch, I notice Julia is no longer cuddled up against me. Connor and Madison are passed out on the other couch, and Travis is passed out on the recliner. The fireplace is no longer burning so the house is colder than usual.


I whisper as I walk through the house, peering into the kitchen, the office, until I make my way to her bedroom. I walk through the door to find her sitting down next to the fireplace, her laptop is on her lap and her coffee mug is next to her. She looks focused as her fingers type away. I crouch down behind her, setting my legs on each side of her and scoot closer to her, letting my chest rest against her back. She leans into me as she types.
