Page 49 of Drench My Halls

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“What did you do to Caleb?”

He paces in front of me, his nostrils flaring.

“That fucker Julia? You fucked him? What does he have that I don’t?”

He is in my face as his breath hits my skin and I cringe. I can feel the bile creeping up my throat. His hand shoots out grabbing ahold of my throat, and he squeezes hard. Blocking my airways. My hands grip his wrists attempting to break free. My lungs are burning as they beg for oxygen. My legs twitch, reminding me that they still work.

I knee him in the balls and run out the room. I slip on water from his boots and slide down the hallway across the floor until my back hits the corner of the wall. My back burns, as the air is once again taken from me. I gasp for air as I attempt to stand up. Daniel walks fast towards me as I step back looking over to Caleb who is blinking, completely dazed and unaware of what is happening. I notice him lift his hand as he tries to sit up.

“He has everything you don’t. Me.”

I need his attention off Caleb. His eyes snap to my legs as he notices I am only in a robe and towel. His brow hitches high on his forehead and the sickening feeling of his intentions are clear when his lips curve up.

“Let me remind you what it’s like to be fucked by a real man.”

I try to high tail it around the table, but his hand grabs my hair and tosses me back towards him. I scream out in pain when he pushes my face against the wood table.

“Shhhh, it will feel so good baby. Don’t you remember how loud you used to moan for me?” His cold slimy tongue glides across my ear and I gag.

I thrash around attempting to get out of his hold, but he keeps his arm pressed against my back as he hikes up my robe. I reach out, grabbing the dinner plate in front of me and swing it back, hitting him over the head. He releases me as shards of glass cut his face and head. His hand covers his eye as he roars out and charges me. I grab a vase, but I knock over the candles and linens in the process. I smash the vase over his head.

“You fucking bitch. I will fucking kill you. You ruined me. Now I will ruin you, so no man will ever want you.”

He charges me and knocks me down to the ground like a fucking football player tackling the quarterback. Something that should never happen with good defense. I can’t hear anything but a loud ring in my ears. His mouth is moving but nothing registers. All I can feel is his hands trying to pry open my legs.

“Get off me.” I shout as I shake my head.

A loud bang goes off as his body goes limp on top of me. Standing above me, Caleb holds a cast iron pan. He hit Daniel so hard from behind, it knocked him out and made a cut on the back of his head ooze blood onto my chest.

“I fucking want her you sick motherfucker.” Caleb yells as he drops the cast iron to the ground.

“Oh god, please get him off of me.”

I beg as I struggle to get up. Caleb pushes Daniel off of me and helps me up. He is looking over my whole body but winces and places his hand on his forehead again before shaking his vision clear.

“Julia, did he hurt you?”

“No. He tried. To… I fought him.”

Anger fills his eyes as he looks back down at Daniel. I start to sniff the air, the smell of smoke fills the room. I turn around noticing the table and linens are smoking as a fire is burning the rug where I dropped the candle.

“Fuck, get the fire extinguisher.”

The fire alarms go off, the loud beeps make it hard for me to focus on what Caleb is saying. He grabs the extinguisher from my hands, pulls the pin and blasts the fire with white foam. The fire has spread from where he is spraying as the curtains catch fire, and the kitchen cabinets start to turn gray.

“Caleb, I don’t think we can put it out fast enough.” I panic.

He drops the extinguisher and grabs my hand pulling me towards the front door. Before we exit, he grabs a blanket draping it over my shoulders and grabs our shoes. The thick smoke is spilling into the living room making us cough as we swing the front door open.

Once outside, Caleb calls the fire department, but they had already received a call about smoke, so they are just around the corner. We sit there watching my grandmother’s house, my house, catch fire so quickly. The kitchens windows shatter as the temperature increases.


I cry as I watch everything burn. The police show up and begin asking questions. We tell them about Daniel breaking in and attacking Caleb and I. We tell them he is still in there and they go in once the fire is contained.

“The fire is out. Your kitchen and dining room were damaged. Unfortunately, your ex-husband is deceased, most likely from the flames and smoke inhalation.”

Is it bad that I don’t feel anything towards that last bit? My only concern and heartbreak is about my kitchen and dining room. I will have to rebuild and make it exactly how she left it for me. I am just glad the remainder of the house is okay.
