Page 5 of Drench My Halls

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“Hey handsome.” Sabrina walks into the bar like she always does on a Friday night. She always comes by after work, we walk over to my place, fuck, and then she leaves. It’s routine, it’s been like this for a year. Once a week, but lately she has been getting jealous, which isn’t a good look for her.

“Hey.” I smile as she wraps her arms around my neck, pulls me in and kisses me.

She always smells like candy. She is hot, I enjoy our hookups, but I have made it clear since the beginning I am not looking for anything serious.

“You ready to head out?” She opens the door, not taking no for an answer. I look over the bar, turning off the lights and lock up.

“Yeah, let’s go.”

Good, something to distract me from thinking about my new neighbor. I swing my arm over her shoulder and guide us back up the hill, turning right before Julia’s house. I peek over Sabrina’s shoulder to notice the living room lights are on, smoke is rising from the chimney. I wonder what she does on the weekends, besides meet up with Madison at a bar. What does she do for a living?

“Hello, earth to Caleb.”

Sabrina snaps her fingers, getting my attention as I look at her standing in the living room in nothing but a skimpy bikini.

“I want to take a dip.” She nods her head towards the pool.

I smile as I hustle to my room and switch out of my work clothes.

When I open the sliding doors, Sabrina is already dipping her toes in the water. Her ass looks delicious from this angle, how she is not cold I have no idea. She holds two wine glasses, and a bottle of wine is sitting on the table next to her.

“God, your pool feels so warm. Open the wine, please.”

Before I do, I take the glasses out of her hands and set them down. I place my palms on her cheeks and look into her eyes.

“Sabrina, you know nothing has changed for me, right?”

She sighs and removes my hands.

“Don’t ruin our night, Caleb. Yes, this is just casual sex. I know.”

She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. Both of those actions signaling to me she doesn’t see it the way I do.

“I’m serious Sabrina, shit like the other day can’t happen. You can’t get mad when I am talking to other women. We are not exclusive.”

I place my finger under her chin and lift, letting her eyes meet mine. I kiss her lips. She is reluctant at first but then her lips part for me.

“I know, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

I grab her hand and lead her into the pool. The warm water hits my skin. I am tall so when parts of my body get wet and then hit by the air, it’s freezing. So, I try to stay as low as possible. I pull Sabrina to me; her legs instantly wrap around my waist. My hands hold on to her ass as she kisses my neck. I can’t help but look up the mountain, seeing a shadow cross the porch.

Is my mystery woman watching?

I smile at the thought.

Secretly hoping she is.



After my long hot shower, I head to the kitchen and make some hot cocoa. My grandma used to make me hot cocoa during the colder months, so I had to christen this home with a tradition of hers. I grab the marshmallows from the pantry and sprinkle six into the mug. I grab my laptop and press the button that opens the patio doors all the way.

It's amazing to watch, the big glass doors slide across, disappearing into the wall. The whole space opens up and the nights breeze enters the living room. I set my mug on the coffee table and grab a blanket from the couch. I settle in the comfy couch as I look up at the stars twinkling above me. The sky is crystal clear, not a cloud in sight.

I open my word document to continue writing the romance novel I have been working on for the past four months. It’s kind of funny, me writing romance, when I just got divorced. Obviously, I was wrong about romance. But my characters speak to me, I live vicariously through them. Once I start typing it’s almost as if I lose track of time, I write and write until I fall asleep.

I am woken up suddenly by a woman’s squeal. I sit up quickly as I look around me. I stand up and walk along the edge of the balcony. I walk towards the right side of the house, where I know there are homes below me. The house I saw earlier, with the steaming pool, seems to be in use. I assume that’s where the squeal came from as I notice a male and female in the pool.
