Page 3 of The Art of Falling

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“Careful now, people might start thinking you’re jealous. And by people, I mean me.” She gives me a cheeky grin.

“Funny,” I deadpan with a dramatic eye roll.

“He’s really not that bad when you actually talk to him.”

“If you tell me you’ve slept with him, I’m unfriending you.”

“What are we, in third grade?” She hitches a brow. “And for your information, I tried.”

“What?” This causes me to sit up straighter.

“Last year, shortly after he transferred here. We were at a party. He was looking so fire I damn near melted just talking to him. But when I suggested we take this party upstairs, he politely declined.”

“He rejected you? Why did you never say?”

“I don’t make a habit of announcing when I get shot down. Took my confidence nearly ten minutes to bounce back.” She laughs at herself.

“You ass. You’re messing with me.”

“I’m not, actually. He really did shoot me down. And all the girls you see with him, have you ever stopped to notice that it’s not him hanging on them. Maybe he’s just too polite to tell them to fuck off.”

“Somehow, I very much doubt that.”

“Well, he turned me down.” She says it like it never happens, probably because it doesn’t.

“Maybe he had a girlfriend back at his old school or something. You said he had just transferred here. You don’t know what his circumstances were.”

“True, but I don’t get the impression he’s the manwhore he tries to play on as. I think it’s more him playing the part.”

“What part? Arrogant asshole? I’ve seen enough to know the kind of person he is, and I would take an F before having to work with him again.”

“One, no, you wouldn’t. You’d walk on hot coals before getting an F. And two, I don’t think you need to worry about getting stuck with him again. Two classes equaling over fifty students, there’s no way he won’t be one of the first ones snagged.”

“Who are you thinking about asking?”

“I already texted Enzo while we were in class and told him that if he agrees to sit for anyone else, I’ll have his nuts for breakfast.”

“Your relationship with him is so strange.” I shake my head. “Neither of you is interested in actually dating, you sleep with other people as well as with each other, but you’re the first to threaten violence if he chooses someone over you.”

“Fuck yes, I am. I let him in the back door, which I don’t do for just anyone. The least the motherfucker can do is sit and smile pretty for me.”

“On that note...” I chuckle softly, pulling my laptop out of my bag. Straightening my legs, I rest it on my lap before flipping it open.

“What are you doing?”

“Some of us do actually have schoolwork to do.” I give her a pointed look. “This is an educational facility after all.”

“I’ve gotten plenty of education from this place already.” She leans back on her hands, angling her face up to the sun as she lets her eyes fall closed.

“Not the type of education your parents probably had in mind when agreeing to pay for you to come here,” I grumble under my breath.

“I heard that,” she quips, not moving her position.

“I meant for you to,” I fire back, fighting my smile as I pull up the paper I’ve been working on for English. It’s due tomorrow, so I’ll let that be my priority. I can figure out a partner for my art project tomorrow, preferably after all theplayersare taken—pun intended.

I just need this to be simple. Considering it’s going to take a few hours stretched out over the course of several days to complete this project, I want to make sure whoever I get stuck with is at least someone who won’t drive me insane in the process.

“Alina Stryker, as I live and breathe.”
