Page 38 of The Art of Falling

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“Refer to my previous statement. I don’t find grown men fighting over a ball very entertaining.”

“That’s because you’ve never been to a game.” I assume, just trying to keep her talking. I don’t know why, but the silence today is damn near painful.

Maybe it’s because there are a million things I want to say and not a single one I will allow myself to.

“I’ve been to a football game. Not college, but I went to a few high school games to cheer on my boyfriend.”

“I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.” I swallow hard, careful to keep my expression relaxed.

There’s no way I missed that little bit of information. Not that I’ve been stalking her or anything. I mean, okay, so yeah, I’ve taken a vested interest in what she’s doing over the last few months, but that’s far from invasive.

“I don’t. At least, not anymore.” She glances up at me. “Tilt your face to the left just a little. Yes, right there,” she instructs when I move my face ever so slightly to the side.

“So your ex played football?” I don’t actually care about the answer, but it feels customary to ask.

“He did.”

“What position—”

“Can I ask you a question?” She cuts in before I can finish my sentence, not giving me a chance to answer before continuing. “Do you actually like the girls who hang all over you, or do you just do it because you think it makes you look cool?”

Her question catches me off guard and truth be told, I’m not entirely sure how to respond. What I am sure of, however, is that Rory Hensley is not nearly as uninterested in me as she’d like everyone to believe. In fact, I might even go as far as to say she seems somewhat jealous.

The thought stirs something in me that I’m worried I won’t be able to easily shut off.

“Is there a reason you’re asking?” I try to keep my smile at bay, but the corners of my mouth still twitch anyway.

“It’s just... gross. The way you gallivant around with all those different women. Aren’t you worried you’re going to get some kind of incurable venereal disease?” She straightens, no longer focused on the easel in front of her but rather on me.

“Pretty sure that’s what condoms are for.”

The look on her face is so comical, I can’t help the laughter that cuts from my throat.

“You’re disgusting,” she says after a long moment.

“Rory, I’m kidding.” Laughter still shakes my words. “Do you really believe I sleep with all of them?”

“Well...” She kneads her bottom lip between her teeth in a way that causes me to shift on my stool.

What I wouldn’t give for it to be my teeth biting and nipping at that lip...

I quickly shake the thought away before it can go any further.

“I know what it probably looks like to someone on the outside looking in,” I speak slowly, second-guessing every word that comes out of my mouth as it surfaces. “But I can promise you, it’s for show. Every single bit of it. I act the way people expect me to act.”

“And you expect me to believe that?” She cocks her head slightly to the side, her eyes intent but more curious than angry.

“You can believe what you want. Doesn’t change the truth.”

“You forget I’m friends with some of your teammates. I know how you guys are.”

“No,” I correct her. “You know howtheyare. You only assume we’re all the same, but that’s like me assuming you’re like all the other hippy art majors who are here living on mommy and daddy’s dime to get an education they’ll never actually use.”

“That’s a stereotype, not reality.”

I narrow my gaze.

“That’s different, though,” she’s quick to continue. “Because they aren’t lying out on the grassy knoll smoking joints, drawing pictures of flowers, and talking about world peace.”
