Page 85 of Skye

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My chest heaves, pushing through the pain of each inhalation as fear clutches me. “Should I be?”

“He wouldn’t touch you,” Scarlett snaps. “Not while you carry that disgusting spawn in your belly. If I’d known that night the man you fucked was a fucking biker, I would’ve slit your throat.”

I flinch at the vitriol she spews towards an innocent baby that isn’t even born yet. How did I not see who she truly is, how evil she is?

Tommy’s moves to cup the bottom of my bump. His large hands span across most of my stomach.

Acid fills my mouth as he touches me, and I’m powerless to stop him.

“Why him? If you’d wanted a baby, I would have given you one.”

Scarlett makes an irritated sound. “Why would you want a baby with her? She betrayed us.”

Tommy ignores her, his eyes locked onto mine. “I would have given you anything, Skye.”

Despite how terrified I am, I lift my chin and meet his gaze with defiance. “I want you to let me go.”

He pulls his hand away as if I’ve burned him or left dirt on his skin. “You were always meant to be mine.”

I suck in a breath as he fists his fingers in my hair, dragging my head back so far, I feel like my neck is going to snap. My feet shift around, trying to keep from losing my balance. “Tell me he forced you. Tell me he raped you and forced you to have his child.” He buries his head against the side of my neck, his breath hot against my skin.

My brain short-circuits for a moment at being touched like this by someone who isn’t Rage.

I should tell Tommy I was forced. That’s what he wants to hear, and it might make him more likely to let me go, but everything I have had with Rage was born from our feelings for each other. I can’t deny that, and I won’t. I love him and I’ll never allow anyone to think this baby isn’t wanted.

“He didn’t rape me.” I lick my dry lips, my gaze locked on the ceiling above me. “He would never.”

Tommy releases me, his anger palpable as he steps back. He clenches and unclenches his fists, his body coiled tight as a spring. “That’s worse. At least if he had raped you, there would be a reason for this. Knowing you let him fuck you after what he did to Jack…”

“What he did to Jack? You have any idea what you all have done to those people? The Pioneers killed a pregnant woman. Her baby had to be cut out of her as she died. And then there was a young girl. She was—”

Scarlett slaps my face so hard, my ears ring. Stunned, I keep my head turned away from her, my cheek burning. “Don’t you dare talk to us about their suffering. We have buried more men than I can count in the past few months. Is that all it takes for you to break your loyalty to your family? Biker cock?”

I don’t answer her. I know whatever I say won’t appease her, and I don’t want to get hit again. I’m already treading a fine line, and I have to protect my child.

“Answer me!” she screams, but when she steps towards me, her arm raised, Tommy grabs her wrist. The death glare she gives him should concern him, but Tommy seems unfazed.

“Wait outside.”

She looks as if she’s going to argue with him, but she holds her tongue, instead grabbing the back of his neck so she can kiss him. I know she’s doing it for my benefit, to show me Tommy belongs to her. It’s wasted on me because I don’t want anything to do with either of them.

Giving me a dirty look, Scarlett leaves the room with the two guards, and I am finally alone with Tommy.

His eyes, which once held so much warmth, are cold as he roams his gaze over me. “There are some things in life, Skye, that cannot be forgiven.”

“You need to stop this, Tommy.”

“I can’t even look at you knowing that thing is inside you. Do you have any idea how it feels knowing you’ll have a child with one of them?”

“I didn’t plan it.” I don’t know why I tell him this because it’s not going to make any difference. “He was a stranger, some man I met in a bar. I wouldn’t have gone near him if I’d known he was part of the MC, but I’m not sorry for how everything has played out either. I already love my baby. I don’t care who her parents are, or about some stupid fucking war between you and them. This child has done nothing. I’ve done nothing.”

He flinches with every word I speak, as if I’ve stabbed him in the heart with a blade. “That’s where you’re wrong. You have doneeverything. I thought Jack dying was the worst thing I could ever experience, until I discovered you were with the Untamed Sons.”

“Who told you? How did you find out?”

“Do you think there is anything that goes on with that club that I’m not aware of? I knew that was where you ran to from day one.”

