Page 9 of Skye

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“I’m sorry I got us into this mess, little one,” I murmur. I doubt he or she can hear me, but I say it anyway. It makes me feel better to vocalise my apology.

I make a pledge in this moment that I will fight no matter what to protect my baby, even if I have to go against Rage and his entire club. Against all the insurmountable odds, I will survive, and I will raise my child alone if I have to. I should’ve done that in the first place.

Coming here must have been a moment of temporary insanity. What was I thinking? That Rage and I would walk off into the sunset with our baby?

No wonder my father never wanted me in his business. I’m a naive fucking fool. I might as well have gift wrapped myself before I handed my life over to these people.

I twist to look at the bed behind me. The mattress is soft and the duvet inviting. I would love to sleep for a week, but I can’t afford to let my guard down. I need to have my wits about me in case they try to harm me. I’m not having my throat slit while I’m catching z’s.

Despite feeling lightheaded, I push up off the bed and walk over to the window. The bars covering the glass look pretty solid, and unless I become as skinny as a piece of paper, there’s no way I can slip between them and the window.

I wander into the ensuite. It’s surprisingly large. There’s a double walk-in shower alongside the toilet and basin. Towels hang on the rail, ready to use, and when I look in the cupboard under the sink, I find toiletries for both men and women.

How many people use this room?

Do they have a steady stream of prisoners?

How many people have died in this room?

I push that thought back savagely. I don’t need to think about dying because it’s not going to happen. Rage might be wary of me, but he’s also been protective.

No, he’s been protective of the baby. You’re just the incubator.

I don’t like how much that hurts. I shouldn’t care. Rage is just some guy I fucked in a bar, and the only thing that keeps us tethered together is that mistake. If I didn’t have a bun in the oven, I would’ve run from my house and disappeared.

I should have done that anyway.

As I step back into the room, the sound of the lock turning freezes me in place. I didn’t expect anyone to come back so soon, and I don’t have a plan yet for getting out of here. I’m not strong enough anyway. My body is shaky as the door creaks open. I can’t describe the relief I feel when it’s Rage who steps into the room.Better the devil you know, right?

He kicks the door shut behind him but doesn’t lock it. I’m not sure if that’s because he knows I’m incapable of running, but his lack of concern that I might try annoys me. I’m down, but I’m not out. His gaze roams over me as he steps inside, his eyes tight… his shoulders too. He obviously doesn’t like what he sees because his expression deepens.

“You feelin’ bad still?”

“It doesn’t really go away,” I say, my tone glib.

“You gotta eat. Ain’t good enough to be passing out ‘cause you’re hungry.”

Is he serious?

“I was kept captive. I didn’t get a choice about mealtimes.” I stare at him in disbelief that he’s blaming me for this. “How did I ever fuck you? You are the most sanctimonious prick I’ve ever met, and that’s saying a lot because most of the people in my life are dicks.”

“You done?” The bored tone he adopts pisses me off.

“No, I’m not done. I’m so far from done. I trusted you, Rage. I came here hoping you were the only person left in my life who wouldn’t shit on me, but you’re just like everyone else. You want to use me and then discard me when I’ve fulfilled your purpose.”

“You don’t know me well enough to assume that’s what I’ll do.”

“I don’t need to know you. I’ve dealt with plenty of men like you. Those with power, and those with the means to take that power away from others. I know you think I’m this stupid, naive girl, and in a lot of ways I am, but I know enough to know when someone is only keeping me around for their own gain. If I wasn’t pregnant, would you kill me?”

“No.” The answer is given so fast, I believe him. “I told you, we don’t kill innocents and we don’t hurt people not in the life. But if you’re working with your father… that changes things.”

“I’m not. I swear to you, Rage.”

“Okay then.”

I raise a brow. “Okay?”

“I don’t have a reason to doubt you. Don’t give me one.”
