Page 169 of Exiled

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It lights up green, and there’s a soft gasp of air.

Blinding sunlight assaults my vision—my tears doing little to ward it off.

It’s all too much right now, yet I don’t run from it—I throw myself into it, stumbling onto the rough, jagged gravel, hardly able to breathe through the cloying aroma of flowers and sea salt barraging my senses.

The whooshing in my ears is deafening as I try to remember where the docks are, the ones I arrived at my first day here. Rooted in place, my arms swing out at my sides as I turn and look around, trying to catch my bearings.

But it’s no use.

Everything’s blurring together. A vortex of sight and sound. I’m not in the eye of the tornado—Iamthe tornado.

Something brushes my arm, and I don’t think, I reach out, smacking the person. Shoving them off me.

And then I run.

More shouting follows me. A whistle sounds. But I barely even notice it. They’re swept away as fast as they came, lost in the roar pressing in around me.

It doesn’t matter.

Nothing matters.

A sob chokes out of me, and my feet fumble over the uneven terrain, kicking up pebbles and dirt.

Another hand grabs me, and I swing out, only for someone to catch me on my other side. They hold my arms away from me, and I’m shoved onto my knees.

I’m screaming. Choking.Dying.

Their touch hurts.

Everything hurts.

Nolan. I need Nolan. He’ll make them go away.

Someone drops down in front of me, and then hands cup my cheeks.

“Skyler. Skyler. Look at me.”

It’s a woman’s voice. Familiar. I frown, and blink rapidly, but I can’t bring myself to meet her gaze. So instead I just squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head.

“Release him,” she says firmly.


“Let him go. You’re hurting him.”

“We’re not.”

“You are. Let. Him. Go.”

They won’t listen. No one does.


This time, they do.

And when I’m free, I don’t make my escape. I fall forward in a heap, curling myself into a ball.

Get up! Go after him!I scream at myself, but it’s no use. My body’s no longer mine. I’m stuck.
