Page 45 of Exiled

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Now I’m gettingreallypissed off.

It’s hot. I’m thirsty. The bugs clearly have it out for me. And now there’s amonkeythat may or may not be stalking us like prey.

“Hey!” I bark. Stomping forward, I’m not paying attention, when it finally happens—my sneaker; my once clean, perfectly white Hermes, now scuffed with dirt and grass—gets caught under a gnarled root.

A half-gasp, half-grunt bursts out of me as I go sailing forward, arms flailing at my sides.

Quicker than lightning, Nolan’s there, hands snapping out, gripping my shoulders, catching me just in time.

Our gazes clash inches from each other. We’re so close, I can see my reflection in his pupils.

My lips fumble to say something.

Brows dropping low, he shakes his head with a scowl and all but picks me up by the waist, plopping me down on the dirt next to him. “Watch where you’re going.”

With that, he releases me and turns away, resuming his determined strides.

Face bunching, I shake my head. “No.”

He pauses, mid-step. Just when I think he might ignore me, he turns his head to look over his shoulder. He gives me an arched look. “No?”

I lift my chin, standing up straight, and give a short shake of my head.

“You’re not going to watch where you’re going?”

I open my mouth, then close it, and shake my head. “No, I mean yes, I mean—” I growl in frustration and stomp around him, putting us face to face and so I’m blocking his path. “I’m out of water.”

Rolling his eyes, he reaches behind him for his own bag, pulling out his canteen. Water sloshes inside when he shoves it toward me.

I blink down at it.

He huffs and shakes it, the sound bringing a pang to my gut.

Wincing I grab it, quickly remove the cap, and bring it to my lips. It’s tepid, but it feels like heaven sliding down my parched throat. I didn’t even realize how thirsty I was.

“Easy,” he grouses, ripping it away from me. “Save some for both of us. I don’t know if we’ll find a stream or not.”

Running the back of my hand across my lips, I glare up at him. “Well maybe you shouldn’t’ve taken us off the path they told us to stick to.”

“Well maybe you should’ve rationed your water.”

“It’s hot.”


Gritting my teeth, I search his face, feeling the sudden urge to stomp my foot like a toddler. “We should’ve been back by now. It’s been over an hour. They said it should only take an hour. We’re lost.”

His lips purse. Glancing down, he pulls his phone out of his pocket, unlocks it, and frowns down at the screen.

A humorless laugh escapes me and I shake my head. “Great.”

“We’re not… lost,” he says quietly. Lifting his head, he bypasses my glare to take in our surroundings. He runs a hand through his hair. “But we should start heading back.”

This time, I’m the one rolling my eyes.No shit.

He cuts me a look and I realize I said that out loud. My cheeks heat and I turn away, heading back the way we came.

He sighs. “You’re going the wrong way.”
