Page 78 of Exiled

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I know you,my body whispers.I know you and you are mine.

“Skyler,” a tight, throaty voice mutters.

“Mmmm,” I hum, hiking my leg higher, fingers grappling, grasping, climbing over his shoulders. My nose finds his skin, and I inhale, shuddering at the musky, earthy scent of him.

“Skyler. Wake up.”


Please don’t make me.

Mine, mine, mine.

“Skyler.”His voice is a ragged, desperate plea…familiar…and suddenly there’s now a face in my mind. A name. And it’s not just my body anymore that recognizes him, but my brain too as I piece it all together and—

My eyes pop open.


Oh, God, please God, no…

I’m frozen. Eyes wide, staring at nothing.

My cheek is smushed against a hard, sweaty chest, prickly hairs brushing my damp lip. My hand is clenched rigidly around a massive shoulder, and my cock…

I fly back, scrambling away, all but throwing myself against the cave wall. I have just enough wherewithal to duck my head so I don’t bash it against the ceiling where it dips low.

My entire body trembles as I stare blankly ahead. It’s dark. Really dark, but there’s enough light slipping into the cave from the rising sun for me to make out Nolan’s silhouette.

Tears sting the back of my eyes, and my throat swells, bile rising swiftly.

What did I do? What the fuck did I do??

Nolan heaves himself up onto his forearm, his upper body half-turned toward me. His chest rises and falls rapidly, showcasing the rippling muscle. He’s still in his jeans. They’re ripped over his thighs—the frayed denim straining where he curls a leg. Bare foot planted on the hard ground.

I shake my head, mouth parting, but no words come out. What the hell do I even say?

From here, I have the perfect vantage point to watch his hard swallow. His gaze is downturned, lips parted, stubbled chin dipped toward his chest. The tendon in his neck strains beneath the loose strands of hair curtaining half his face.

I curl my fists, nails digging into my palms.

That didn’t just happen. That really didn’t just happen.

My dick twitches as if to tell me,Yes, yes it did,reminding me I’m still hard. How am I still hard? I bunch my face, cringing.

What a cliché I am. Mauling a man in my sleep. I curl my legs up to my chest, squeezing my thighs together right along with my eyes, willing it away. If only I could erase the last however many minutes I spent dry humping Nolan right along with my boner.

Hunching my shoulders up by my ears, I bow my head, biting my lip so hard, I feel the skin give, and taste iron.

Blood thunders in my ears, warring with the distant sounds of the waves. It occurs to me how quiet it is now. It’s no longer raining, and the ocean laps gently at the rocks, almost as if it’s trying to apologize for what it did to us yesterday.

There’s a shuffle, and a muttered curse. I tense, holding my breath.

He’s gonna leave me here. I just know it. He’s going to bolt, find his way back to the rehab, and tell them I molested him. That there’s a pervert on the island—a predator who has no self-control, preying on men while they sleep.

I shake my head, whimpering.Please, please don’t. I’ll be good. I didn’t mean it.

