Page 79 of Exiled

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My name is no louder than the faintest whisper, yet it echoes in the enclosed space, making it feel like it’s coming from everywhere at once.

I seal my eyes together even tighter, shaking my head. “I’m s-sor—”

“Skyler,” he grits out like a warning.

And then it all happens in a whirlwind.

One second we’re on opposite sides of the cave, and the next I’m being dragged across the ground by the ankle.

Yanked forward with brutal, barely restrained strength, Nolan lays me out across the rocky floor. My neck snaps back, my head bumping off the hard ground with enough force for me to see stars, punching a sharp gasp from my still-aching lungs. My eyes fly open, mouth agape.


“Goddamnit,” he growls through bared teeth that practically glow in the dark.

He sounds furious.

And just as I open my mouth to apologize and beg him not to kill me, he pounces.

One hand grips my jaw, while the other squeezes my waist, dragging me under him. And then he’s there— everywhere—endless muscle and hot skin. I’m smothered in it. Lost in the sensation and scent of Nolan.

Nothing else exists, not even my confusion.

He buries his face in my neck, biting my name through his teeth.“Sky.”

My hand smacks against his back on instinct, and I hook my leg around his back, just over the swell of his ass. I arch into him, throwing my head back, digging my skull into the rough, gritty floor.

What am I doing?

What the fuck is going on?

Slotting his leg between mine, he grinds up against me and I gasp, gaping up at the ceiling when I feel it, wedged right against my own aching need.

He’s hard too.

Holy shit, Nolan’s hard too.

“Nol,” I whimper, squeezing his bicep.

“Shut up,” he grits out. Teeth scrape the soft skin under my jaw and my eyes roll back. He pants hotly against my flesh, grinding his hips into mine. “Just…shut up.Fuck!”

A keening sound pushes its way past my lips, coming from some deep, untapped place inside me. Heat envelops my neck, my cheeks, no doubt turning me bright red. I’m pretty sure I’d be shaking like a leaf if I didn’t have what feels like two-hundred pounds of solid muscle holding me down, locking me in place.

I wrap my legs around him tighter—so far gone, knowing he’s just as lost to this as me that I can’t even feel self-conscious. I’m all animal instinct and red-hot need, and all that matters right now is getting as close to him as humanly possible.

If the bruising grip on me and rock-hard cock digging into my stomach is anything to go by, he’s feeling it too.


A desperation like none other.

We almost died,is all I can think.

Like that fact has unlocked something in us—opened a door to something I didn’t think was possible. Something I don’t think he ever considered.

We’re plastered together from head to toe, grinding into each other with unabashed need. Hands clawing and digging for some kind of purchase. Limbs tangled. There’s no telling where I end and he begins, because we’re rolling around, mindless and starved for something no words could ever do justice.

There’s only this.
