Page 80 of Exiled

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Only his teeth in my neck and my nails in his back and our cocks rubbing together ferociously through denim and cotton.

He’s so much stronger than me—broader in every sense—but I don’t feel small right now. I don’t feel vulnerable.

I feel ravenous.

Nolan rubs his scratchy face all over my neck like he’s trying to embed his scent in me, and hell if that isn’t the single most hottest thing to happen to me in my eighteen years.

It’s something I didn’t even know I craved, not until this very moment.

To be owned, wholly and completely. To be devoured, so consumed by another person that no fiber of my being is left untouched by this man.

He lifts his head, dark, unfathomable eyes meeting mine. There’s just enough purple light peeking in, that I can see his sparkling black orbs glaring back at me.

His wild gaze darts all over my face before lingering on my lips. His nostrils flare. “Fuckin’ hell,” he mutters, reaching up and swiping his thumb across my lip.

It stings, reminding me I gnawed the shit out of it earlier. I watch in utter rapture as he inspects the thick digit, eyeing the dark smear of blood with a deep frown.

My tongue pokes out, dancing over where his thumb just grazed. “Sorry,” I whisper.

His gaze flies to mine, blazing with a maelstrom of emotion, his nostrils flared. Just when I think he might put an end to this though, he brings his finger up to his mouth, sucking the blood clean.

A whimper breaches my lips, and I feel heat gather at my groin, drawing up my nuts.

Oh God.

Growling, he reaches down, and rips my shirt open, buttons flying. I find my own fingers creeping down and undoing my fly, then I’m shoving down my shorts. My boxers.

I don’t know what I’m doing, I don’t know what I’m doing…

Nolan scoots back, undoing his jeans.

Impatient, I sit up and crawl toward him, only vaguely registering the pain shooting up my calf and side. But I ignore it. It’s irrelevant. All that matters is this.


And getting as close to him as I physically can.

For however long he lets me.

I shove him on his back and climb up on top of him. He goes willingly, his eyes widening up at me. I duck my head, afraid if I look too long at him, the spell will shatter, and I’m shut down, or he’ll see the storm lurking behind my eyes—the one that never retreats for long—and stop this. And neither of those things I want to happen.

More,my body demands.Moremoremore—

Slinking down his torso, I suck and bite and kiss at every inch of flesh I can find. Ingraining his taste into my tongue. The roughened texture of his flesh. His scent.

I want him as lost to me as I am to him.

Nolan’s moaning and arching and digging his fingers in my scalp.

My hand shifts toward his center, bumping over the bulge in his boxers peeking out from between his open fly.

I wet my lips and peer up at him, keeping my gaze trained on his chin so I don’t lose the courage. “C-can I?” I whisper.

His moan is long and reedy. “Sky…what are we…”

“I wanna taste you,” I admit in a fevered hush. “Please let me taste you.”

His body jolts—his cock twitching against my trembling palm. “Fuck. Goddamn it. What…” He trails off breathlessly, shaking his head at a loss. Yet his fingers bite into my scalp, holding me…and he thrusts up into my palm.
