Page 96 of Exiled

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I open my mouth to speak, to tell him that’s exactly what I think—what Iknow—but he’s still going. His earlier…panic, or whatever it was that had him tripping up his words seemingly forgotten.

“If that’s why you’ve been avoiding me, I promise you have nothing to be worried about.”

My lips tighten into a hard line. I’m not sure I can believe him, even if I wanted to.

He huffs something like a bitter laugh, and his cheeks turn pink, eyes drifting to the side like he can’t bear to look at me. “If anything, I took advantage of you. Forced myself upon you while you were sleeping.” His voice cracks and he cringes. “I—”

Reaching for his cheek, I arch a brow, once again ducking my head to follow his gaze as I turn him toward me. “No offense, sweetheart,” I say dryly, “but you’re not exactly the evil villain you’re trying to make yourself out to be.”

His eyes widen, and I realize what it is I just said—what I called him.

Damnit. Where did that even come from?

My hand cupping his cheek tenses, fingers flexing against his flushed skin. He’s so smooth, so pretty compared to my hairy, unkempt ass. What he even sees in me…

I shake my head, releasing his face to let my hand hang at my side. Our others remain joined, and while the urge in me to pull back, shut down, and stop this before it goes any further is still so strong…

My other urges sprinting forward are stronger.

“You should’ve said no, or stopped me,” he whispers, not taking his eyes off me. Despite what he’s saying, there’s almost like a sort of challenge in his eyes. Like he’s daring me to refute what he’s saying…

Hoping I can tell him he’s wrong.

He shrugs. “I just thought—”

“That I wanted it?” I say dully.

His throat bobs.

I scoff and look away, peering into the blue horizon. “Well, that’s ’cause I did.” I roll my eyes. “If it wasn’t obvious.”

He stills. Even the fingers curled around mine seem to go lifeless. “But…”

“Doesn’t mean it was right. I was…really rough with you. You were hurt, and the way I-I—”

His teeth mash so hard, I hear it, and I turn toward him and throw my arm up just as he splashes water at me.


“Stop acting like I don’t know what I want,” he all but snarls.

I blink, slowly lowering my hand as I straighten.

He grabs our joined hands and lifts them between us, all but shoving them at my face. “What is this?” he says with a shocking amount of venom.

I open my mouth, only for nothing to come out.

“You’re saying one thing, but this is telling me something else. It’s confusing.” He huffs and looks away, face reddening.

“I don’t know,” I whisper. This time, I stare at our hands as I tug mine free, watching the way our tangled fingers skim over each other, like a bow made of ribbon coming undone.

Throat thick, I say, “I feel sick about it.”

And yet not sick enough to stop yourself from jerking off to him… over and over and over—

Skyler flinches inward like someone sucker punched him.

“Shit, no,” I breathe. “Not like that. Not because we… not because you’re a guy.”

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