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6 Months ago.

Trevor was arriving home from the gym, sliding his key into the lock and entered the two bedroom unit he rented with his best friend Ethan. Trevor knew that Ethan would be at work so he was sure the house would be empty. He walked to the bathroom to take a shower and as he opened the door his jaw dropped!

There was Ethan, all 5f 11” of gorgeous man, buck naked, dripping wet with his head back and eyes closed. He looked absolutely mouth-watering but the biggest shock was seeing Ethan’s hand wrapped around his cock and pumping furiously. A thick white stream of cum was shooting up over his torso as he moaned in ecstasy.

Trev quickly and quietly closed the door before Ethan would notice. He’d obviously not heard him over the sound of the water and Trev didn’t want to face him when he was staring, lusting over him masturbating with a tent in his shorts.

He waited for Ethan to finish his shower and quickly brushed past Ethan when he left the bathroom, trying to hide the hard on in his pants.

“Hey man, how was the gym?” Ethan asked, sounding chipper.

“Hey, good,” Trev quickly replied and brushed past to hide himself in the bathroom to take his own shower and relieve the enormous pressure building in his balls.

See the thing is, Trevor was almost completely certain he was bisexual. He never felt comfortable telling anyone when he was younger though. Ethan would probably be fine with it but for the sake of self-protection during high school, he thought it was best to keep quiet. He just didn’t want to take the risk of anyone finding out till after graduating. He didn’t want to take the risk of the wrong person overhearing something and expressing themselves with their fists. So, he kept it to himself.

Ethan had been his best friend since the first year of high school and they got along so well. They had the same taste in music, which was good because Trevor liked to have music constantly on, it could irritate some people but Ethan didn’t mind it. They also enjoyed the same games and had a similar sense of humour too. They just clicked from the start and never got sick of each other’s company.

Once they graduated high school, Ethan got a corporate job, and began his journey to climb the ladder and Trevor began an electrician apprenticeship so they decided to rent a small two bedroom unit together since they got along so well.

They’d been living together for a few years now but the subject of him being bisexual never came up. It wasn’t that he was still hiding it, he just hadn’t met a guy he was interested in actually exploring this with and didn’t see the point in having a conversation about it until he’d actually experimented and confirmed it.

So now, he stood under the water. Stroking himself with his mind full of the image he’d seen earlier: his best mate, naked. Looking absolutely gorgeous with his golden skin, toned body and blonde hair slicked back under the water. Ethan’s eyes had been closed when he saw him but as Trevor stroked himself, he imagined those striking pale blue eyes staring back as he was cumming on himself. It took barely any time for Trev to reach his own climax and let out a huge sigh of relief.

“Shit,” he mumbled to himself. Now he was really concerned. Ethan was straight and his attraction would never be returned. He didn’t want to freak him out and risk their friendship so he vowed to never utter a word about it.

They continued on with life as per usual, joking, studying and playing computer games. Trev tried to put the image of Ethan out of his mind by watching gay porn to think of other naked guys when he got himself off but sometimes the mind is cruel and it taunted him with Ethan’s face as he came in the shower.

It was difficult but their friendship meant so much to him that he wouldn’t risk it and just hoped he would meet someone else who would overshadow the growing attraction he had for Ethan.


Present Day.

Ethan was laying in bed, awake and unable to get back to sleep. He thought about the craziness going on in the world at the moment and felt so glad he had Trev for a roommate.

He thought back to when they’d met in their first year of high school, Trev had been pretty shy back then but he’d really come out of his shell over the years. He’d grown too ….a lot!He was fairly small when they’d met, lanky more then short but by the end of high school he’d filled out through growth spurts and because he’d taken up martial arts which made him start packing on some serious muscle. He now surpassed him in both height and width but just barely. He wasn’t bulky or massive but his training made him surprisingly strong. Despite his size and strength, he was a cool dude and didn’t have a big head about it, it was almost like he wasn’t aware of it which was kind of funny.

They got along so well and it was so much better than living with strangers, he’d heard some horror stories from friends who were living with some real weirdos with bizarre habits.

So, when covid lockdown happened, he was really glad they were living together. Having good company during such a shit time made it much easier, the only thing that he was really missing were girls and sex.

Ethan had woken up particularly early and couldn’t get back to sleep. He got up to make coffee but his morning glory hard on was particularly persistent (thank you lockdown) so since he knew Trev would be sleeping in a while longer, he had the bright idea to put some porn on the big screen in the lounge to ease his morning erection.

His hand could never give the satisfaction the way sex with another person did, but he couldn’t do anything about that because of lockdown so, he thought the next best thing was porn on the big screen.

He was watching a couple going at it hot and heavy on the big screen, he had the headphones on so he wouldn’t wake Trev and his hand wandered down into his boxer briefs and started a slow rhythm of jerking himself off.

Trev woke up earlier than usual (he got to sleep in now thanks to lockdown) and couldn’t get back to sleep so he figured he’d get up and get the coffee going before Ethan got up. He wandered down the hall in his boxers, rubbing sleep from his eyes then looked up to see two naked people vigorously fucking on the tv and the back of Ethan’s head with headphones on.

Ethan thought Trev wouldn’t be up for at least an hour so he was taking his time enjoying the view and building slowly toward his release when suddenly his headphones were pulled back. He whipped his head around with startled eyes as he saw Trev, also in only his underwear, except Ethan had his hand in his and wrapped around his hard on which was pulsing and nearly ready to erupt.

Trev had an enormous grin and like the cat that caught the canary, which is unsurprising since he’d been crushing on Ethan for a few months now. “Dude, you have a computer in your room you know?”

Ethan couldn’t quite think straight since he was near his release. His mouth opened and closed as he tried to find a response but his cock had all the blood flow at the moment.“This screen’s bigger,” was the only response he could think of.

Trev could not keep the grin from his face, seeing Ethan getting himself off again was so incredibly hot. He couldn’t help himself. He probably should have walked away but his legs had a mind of their own and instead of leaving the room, he sat down on the couch beside Ethan. He picked up the remote to switch the volume off headphones back to tv speakers so they could both hear and leaned back with his hands behind his head to enjoy the show.
