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After their laughter subsided, they continued eating their breakfast, which was almost lunch at this time of day, in comfortable silence. Quiet music playing in the background and occasionally smiling or winking at each other.

It wasn’t long after they’d cleared away their dishes before their friends started to arrive. Eddie was the first to knock on the door while holding some beers. “Hey guys, how’s it hanging?” he asked as he walked in.

“It’s hanging satisfied,” Trev mumbled under his breath to Ethan, then raised his voice to normal level as he spoke up to Eddie, “good, you?” as he walked over and gave him a hug.

“Yeah, not bad.” Eddie replied with a curious expression. He then gave Ethan a hello hug too.

They opened a beer each and began discussing what console games they wanted to play when Simon and Ollie arrived.

“Hey! How’s it going?” Trev asked Simon as he walked in.

“Hi Trev, it’s going good. I’m so glad to be out of the house today!” he replied as Ethan walked over a handed him a beer which he gratefully accepted and took a large gulp.

“Your roommate still being a pain in the ass?” Trev asked.

Ethan looked at Trev with a smirk, wanting to make an inappropriate joke about asses but Trev shot him a look that told him:Don’t say it,so he just gave him a wink and focused on Simon again.

“Why don’t you list your room for rent online and get someone else to take over the rest of your lease?” Trev asked.

“I think I might do that. I can’t make it another three months with that nutcase,” Simon grumbled.

“If you do, you should get a flat with Eddie. He’s been wanting to move out of his mum’s house but never gets off his ass and does anything about it,” Ollie said shooting Eddie a smirk and which Eddie returned while giving him the finger.

“Let me know if you do decide to list your room, I am actually keen to move out,” Eddie said to Simon in seriousness.

“Okay, I’ll look online and let you know,” Simon replied.

They got comfortable in the lounge while drinking beer and choosing a game on the console to have battles in. They started with an oldie but a goodie: Tekken. Simon and Ollie battled in the first round, Simon won and then battled Eddie, Eddie won that round and then battled Ethan.

Eddie seemed to be ultra focused on trying to beat Ethan, he was bitching and swearing throughout the match which seemed a bit intense to Ethan.

“Fuck!” Eddie yelled when he lost match two.

Ethan gave Trev a questioning look but Trev just shrugged back. They battled in match three and Eddie won.

“Ha! Suck it bitch!” Eddie cried out with a triumphant grin.

The final round was Eddie and Trev, Trev won round 1 rather quickly.

“Damn, you’re good,” Eddie said.

This surprised Ethan. He got the feeling something was up with Eddie, like he was pissed off at him but couldn’t figure out why. He seemed fine when he arrived.

Eddie beat Trev in round two then Trev won round three.

Ethan thought that was really odd. Trev wasn’tthatgreat at Tekken so how he beat Eddie was a mystery. Unless Eddie let him win but, why would he do that?

They played for another hour then decided to order pizza. Trev wrote down everyone’s orders and went to the kitchen to phone in the order away from the noise. Ethan approached Trev in the kitchen after he finished the call.

“Have you noticed anything up with Eddie?”

“What do you mean?” Trev asked, giving him a puzzled look.

“I don’t know. He just seemed to get really pissed off when he was fighting me in Tekken, then with you, he suddenly switched and became all sweet. It was weird, did I do something to piss him off?” Ethan wondered, trying to think if he’d done anything to offend him.

Trev looked behind him toward the guys where they were all on the couch with their backs facing them, still focused on the game. He turned back to Ethan. “You’re probably worried about nothing, maybe he just gets more competitive with you.”

“Yeah, maybe,” Ethan mumbled, furrowing his brows.
