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Trev reached up and smoothed the crease between his brows. “Don’t worry, babe,” he said and gave him a peck on the lips.

Ethan looked back at Trev lovingly but they were interrupted.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Eddie yelled from the lounge.

Their eyes suddenly went wide as they looked at each other, then Ethan looked over Trev’s shoulder at Eddie in the lounge looking back at him with anger.

Simon and Ollie turned to look in their direction. “What?” they asked in sync.

“They just kissed,” Eddie said in a flat, deadpan voice while still staring at Ethan.

“Shit,” Trev whispered to Ethan.

This was not how they planned to tell the guys. They were going to wait till just before they were all leaving. Ethan grabbed Trev’s hand and walked around the kitchen bench, pulling him in tow.

Simon and Ollie’s eyes looked at their clasped hands. Simon’s jaw dropped and Ollies eyebrows rose halfway up his forehead in shock.

“This was not how we planned to tell you guys but we have some news,” Trev said quietly, full of nerves. He had been over this moment in his head many times over the years, imagining various hypothetical scenarios and he’d always been terrified that they would all turn their backs on him. Except now, he was scared that Ethan was going to be dragged along with him and their friends would shut both of them out of their lives.

Eddie stared at Ethan with a scowl. “You’re fucking.”

Ethan was starting to get a tight feeling in his gut. “We’re a couple,” he corrected.

“Sooo … what, you guys are like dating then?” Simon asked.

“Yes,” Trev replied.

“So, which one of you is the girl?” Ollie asked with curiosity written all over his face.

Simon’s mouth suddenly sprayed the beer he was trying to drink, most of it landed over Eddie which, Ethan felt a little pleased about. He was beginning to get a pretty good idea of why Eddie seemed to have gone cold on him. He didn’t like it for two reasons. One: it was going to mean tension amongst them and possible drama. Two: Ethan was kind of possessive of Trev now that he was his man.

“Eeew! Gross dude!” Eddie said to Simon and trying to wipe the spat beer off his pants while the others all burst out laughing.

Ethan knew how nervous Trev was about this situation so he decided to take charge. “Okay firstly, we’re both still dudes. Secondly, we were going to spare you guys any details but if you have questions go ahead,” he offered.

Ollie piped up again. “Okay, so you’re both still dudes. So, what, you like … suck each other off?” he asked.

“Yes,” Ethan replied, still noticing the sour look on Eddie’s face but at least now he wasn’t staring directly at him.

“So, who fucks who in the butt?” Ollie continued, barely holding back his grin.

“Dude, does that really matter?” Simon asked, looking at Ollie with obvious disapproval.

“What?! I’m curious,” Ollie replied, shrugging innocently then continued, “up until 10 minutes ago, I thought they both fucked chicks.”

Ethan looked at Trev with a brow raised and Trev just shrugged. “We fuck each other,” Ethan said.

“Wow … okay,” Ollie said and his gaze looked off in the distance.

“Don’t picture it!” Trev said loudly.

“Oh, too late!” Ollie said laughing and Simon burst into laughter as well while Ethan smirked at them.

Trev noticed Eddie wasn’t saying anything and seemed unhappy about the whole situation. He looked at Eddie with concern. “You’re really quiet Eddie. Do you have any questions?” Trev asked gently after the laughter settled.

After a long moment Eddie looked up at Trev. “Are you happy?”

That shocked everyone, Simon and Ollie exchanged surprised glances.
