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“I thought the bride is always late though?” Ethan asked, smirking.

“Who are you calling a bride?! I’m all man, baby,” he said, confirming the fact by turning Ethan and grinding his cock against his perky behind.

Ethan groaned. “Now we’re talking. Bend me over really quick and take the edge off, I can’t wait till tonight,” he almost begged.

Trev pushed his hips away and swatted his butt. “No fucking way. We’re not risking getting cum on these suits before we’ve even walked down the aisle,” he stated then pulled him close so they were chest to chest, “but maybe we can sneak away before the reception for some fun,” he mused and gave him a peck.

Ethan chuckled. “Deal.”

They were interrupted by a knock at the door and Simon poked his head in.

“We’re ready whenever you guys are,” he smirked at catching them in each other’s arms, “might want to save that for later FYI,” he chuckled and left.

They both laughed and straightened their suits, walking out hand in hand to the aisle. Simon started the music when he saw them and they began their walk together. They’d decided that since in their relationship, they were equals, they’d approach the alter in the same way. Not one before the other.

After a romantic introduction by the celebrant, it came time for the vows. Trev was first.

“Ethan, you’ve been my best friend since we were kids and I still can’t believe that I managed to convince you, that day on the couch four years ago, that we could be more,” Ethan smiled and winked at Trev as their family and friends chuckled.

Trev continued. “You’re the best part of my life. I love how you always see the bright side of everything. I admire your dedication, positivity and willingness to cook for me when I’m too lazy,” Trev chuckled along with Ethan and the crowd.

“You’re the best friend and partner I could have ever wished for. I vow to be faithful to you. To share my life with you completely. To support you in your dreams and remind you everyday of what a wonderful man you are. I look forward to embarking on this next stage in our journey together and I am so honoured to be marrying you today. I love you with all my heart,” Trev finished, wiping a tear from his eye.

“That was beautiful,” Ethan whispered, smiling with unshed tears in his eyes.

They heard a few sniffles from the crowd before the celebrant handed the mic over to Ethan and invited him to share his vows.

“Trevor, if you’d have asked me ten years ago what I thought my future bride would look like, I never in a million years would have guessed she’d be so handsome,” the crowd erupted with laughter and Trev along with them, remembering Ethan’s comments in the dressing room.

Ethan continued when the laughter settled down. “You’ve brightened every aspect of my life with a world of new possibilities. I love your creativity and ambition. Your kindness, compassion and your incredibly sexy hair. I vow to love you. To honour you and our marriage. To always be faithful. To encourage you when you doubt yourself. To constantly remind you of how much I love and value you. I’m excited for this next step in our future together and I can’t wait to see what we achieve. I’m so glad to be marrying my best friend and I can’t wait to call you, my husband.”

“I love you,” Trev whispered as he dabbed his eyes with a tissue and passed one to Ethan when a tear finally trickled down his cheek.

They exchanged matching rings, classic plain platinum bands. Said ‘I do’ then finally, they got to seal the deal with a kiss.

The moment their lips met, the crowd erupted in applause yet neither man heard it. They were lost in the moment, arms wrapped around each other, lips connecting and exploring like it was the first time. After a few moments, the celebrant cleared his throat, reminding them that they had an audience and breaking the spell.

They separated and chuckled as they turned and held up their clasped hands together before walking back down the aisle as husband and husband.

The reception was wonderful. All their family and friends had congratulated them and talked about how romantic their vows were. They’d managed to steal themselves away briefly after the wedding party photos to exchange kisses to each other’s cocks and take the edge off but saving the main event for the hotel room.

After a long evening of celebrating with their loved ones, it was finally time to be alone again. Ethan pulled out the room keycard as they approached their door.

“So, my bride, shall I carry you over the threshold?”

Trev chuckled. “Only if you want a spanking.”

“Well in that case,” Ethan said as he leant forward and tossed Trev over his shoulder and walked through the door.

Trev erupted in laughter and smacked Ethan’s butt as he carried him fireman style to their bed. The covers had been thankfully turned down so he didn’t have to waste any time and tossed Trev onto it. Trev kept laughing as he bounced but was silenced when Ethan pounced on him and kissed him, growling quietly.

“That felt like the longest amount of time I’ve ever had to wait to fuck you,” Ethan murmured as he kissed and nibbled on Trev’s neck.

“I know. I wanted to come straight up here after we walked back down that aisle,” Trev agreed breathily.

Trev reached up and began unbuttoning Ethan’s shirt, taking his time like he was unwrapping the most precious gift he’d ever been given. Once open, he took a moment to feel Ethan’s chest and abs, committing them to memory again and appreciating them. He removed Ethan’s cufflinks then slid his hands up to Ethan’s shoulders and brushed the shirt off, running his hands down Ethan’s muscular arms.

Ethan tossed the shirt aside and sat, straddling Trev’s hips, gloriously shirtless. “You have to stop staring at me like that if you want this slow,” Ethan warned.
